Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Often PREJUDICE is just a scientific generalization from EXPERIENCE

" The book itself consists almost entirely of unverifiable accusations against Trump and various figures within the White House, of a highly subjective and personal character. "
To be sure , no lies about anybody- powerful or powerless- can serve the interests of the American working class.

               I would not disagree with any comrade socialist who asserts that President Donald Trump daily displays a FASCIST personality . But that does not verify every personal smear against him. If he were a KKK type racist or a clear Neo-Nazi type, why was this not observed long ago ? How can anyone survive in the American entertainment industry as an obvious RACIST, SEXIST , HOMOPHOBE - even in Trump's case an " anti-Semite " ? ( He IS popular in Israel ) .

          For me what Trump clearly is : an all too typical arrogant ALL-AMERICAN PLUTOCRAT . The seeds of FASCISM are rooted in the CLASS interests of the plutocracy - not in any one warped personality.

              And I am sure the many decent Americans - whatever their class background - could not survive the identity politics BUG IN EVERY WALL TEST for unmasking ( by the warped criteria of identity politics saints ) vile bigotry .

          Since when do rare unflattering comments directed at easily offended " identity " obsessed individuals mark a person as an incorrigible bigot ?


                 Based on our LIFE experience we should have the INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM right to arrive at negative opinions ( right or wrong ) of any group - without being in danger of a lynch mob vengeance. Or immediately losing a job .

     Could the Palestinians, for example , possible be expected to have a high opinion of Zionist zealots in now Apartheid Israel ? Could blacks in the Old South still think highly of Southern whites ?

            Indeed SCIENCE itself is based on the generalization of experience- but unlike the flawed individual it always self-checks and COMPARES NOTES and seeks not absolute but only RELATIVE truth.

           And what has SCIENCE learned about RACE ? Enough to completely reject the institutionalized racism of the past.

           And WHITE SUPREMACY is hardly a rising threat in the USA . A typical demonstration has LOSERS written all over it . True , even when FAKE NEWS says it .

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