Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, August 31, 2018
Comment on You Tube documentary on race-mixing images in advertising
Interesting documentary that will probably be dismissed as Neo-Nazi propaganda. But what about the propaganda of this sinister capitalist advertising ? It just sells goods, products , and services more effectively -because SOCIETY is changing ? No AGENDA here ?
No doubt secular Zionist Jews are in the vanguard of promoters of vicious " identity politics " and the hidden punitive force behind violations of political correctness on college campuses . They are also in the vanguard of the God Hating New Atheism , the political intrigue against traditional Catholicism.
Nevertheless as a democratic socialist I would focus on economic inequality not on race or ethnic identity in any practical program for social change. I can only laugh at this nonsense of associating the quite UNPRIVILEGED white working class with imagined WHITE SUPREMACY .
And what is so democratic about a JEWISH state , Zionist Apartheid Israel, with which American politicians say WE have a " special relationship " ? More and more Orthodox Jews tend to be less besotted over the Promised Land .
Comments that are courteous, concise and relevant are always welcome, whether or not they agree with the views expressed here or not. Profanity is not necessary. Thank you for reading “Time Enough At Last!”
What is behind the race mixing advertising ?