Thursday, August 2, 2018

Murdered Leon Trotsky predicted the restoration of capitalism in Russia

Discussion on World Socialist Web Site   

Preface to the Russian edition of In Defense of Leon Trotsky

" Meanwhile, many polls conducted during the centenary year of the October Revolution show that broad layers of Russian society are increasingly recognizing  that in Soviet history, something was tragically lost, leaving behind an open wound in the consciousness of the people ".

         I recall the popular scientist Carl Sagan saying in one chapter of his book " The Demon Haunted World " how on a visit to Russia he smuggled into the country a copy of Leon Trotsky 's " History of the Russian Revolution " . Sagan had touching praise for the murdered Russian revolutionary. Sagan observed with dismay how Dark Age superstition -like astrology and scientology - were making a comeback in the land of the October Revolution.

           Sad that the Russian people are among the last to learn something about their true history.
I do recall Leon Trotsky saying ( " In Defense of Marxism " or " The Revolution Betrayed " ? ) that the new aristocracy in Russia was capable of leading the Soviet Union all the way back to capitalism.

        This did happen - a stunningly quick collapse. How did so many Russian millionaires suddenly emerge from a post-capitalist state that officially abolished PRIVATE PROPERTY in the means of production ? They must have stolen STATE assets.
I commend Trotskyist David North for refuting the big lies about Leon Trotsky and the 1917 Russian Revolution. Lies that go all the way back to the infamous Moscow Trials.
                CARL SAGAN writes :
 " In the late 1980s and before, Ann Druyan and I would routinely smuggle copies of Trotsky's History of the Russian Revolution into the USSR--so our colleagues could know a little about their own political beginnings."

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