Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, August 18, 2018
How can the BIG LIE press not be " enemies of the people " ?
Violence on the Right or on the Left is often provoked by some authorized contempt for the FREE SPEECH tradition in the USA.
No significant social change is accomplished by bloody brawls in the streets , by threats against individual politicians .
In truth, the so called LIBERAL Left for decades now has been violating the free speech rights of conservative speakers wrongly or rightly branded " fascists ".
It is not OK for anybody to lose a job or be instantly ruined for something said .
More than any small right wing groups the mainstream news media is capable of perpetrating the hidden violence of the BIG LIE - like the Trump-Russia Collusion Investigation , like President Trump " colluding " with Vladimir Putin in just what CRIME ?
How can these institutionalized big liars for the American plutocracy not be " enemies of the people " ? How can any OLD HONEST LIBERAL not laugh at CIA-FBI phony solicitude for free speech rights in the USA ?
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