Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, August 18, 2018
" The implications of this argument are clear. All social discontent within the United States is the work of “Russian puppet masters” exploiting “gullible” individuals. If “freedoms and liberties” provide an opening for such operations, then these freedoms must be restricted. To “save democracy,” it is necessary to abolish it. "
Scary times. But I note a glaring failure of the ruling class propaganda machine : merely repeating the claim of Russian meddling in " OUR democracy " a hundred times a day does not build up even a spurious case against a now CAPITALIST Russia in the minds of working class Americans.
How many military conscription age youth in the USA think " collusion " ( with Putin ) ranks with " Remember the Maine ! " and " Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq " as a serious excuse for a major war ? ( When will " weapons of mass destruction in the USA " become a world shaking issue ? ) .
" Collusion " over WHAT ? Name the CRIME for which Trump could be " obstructing justice " . Did he offer Putin direct access to gold in Fort Knox ( dealing with a real life " Goldfinger " ) .
Whatever, the endless Kafkaesque Mueller Investigation is bound to implode or climax before the fall election -now just weeks away .
I can't imagine myself turning on my old clock radio on November 8, 2018 and hearing : " more breaking news on the Mueller Russian Investigation " .
If I do , I will return here to annotate my comment - older but no wiser.
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