Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, August 31, 2018
Honoring " war hero " John McCain but forgetting WE lost this ugly war
McCain Makes A Final Return to Washington For Rare Honors
In this inevitable honoring of Senator John McCain does the mainstream news media conveniently forget that WE lost the ugly war in Vietnam ? OUR freedom was most certainly not being defended there. So many well documented WAR CRIMES . So many Vietnam veterans broken in mind and body and long suffering with soul eating GUILT .
Any enthusiasm for another Vietnam ?
Any enthusiasm for another Vietnam ?
Affluent and powerful Jews too quick to see themselves as victims of hateful prejudice
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
Reject the anti-Semitism slurs against Jeremy Corbyn! Drive out the Labour Party right wing!
" Allegations of endemic left-wing anti-Semitism are a foul slander with an equally foul purpose. ".
Yet the mainstream news media in the United States supports just this obtuse point of view. Nobody has explained to me - a rather orthodox " democratic socialist " - why I have been banned at ABC on-line , banned at the on-line Brown Daily Herald, blocked from Cranston Patch and Warwick Patch , and the Warwick Beacon.
Can a little clique of belligerent Zionists decide who to blackball ? Does the question itself smack of hateful " anti-Semitism " ? There should be no taboo questions in revolutionary socialist politics.
In past I would get a letter published every few months in the Providence Journal. But none since the start of the New McCarthyism. How would chief editor Alan Rosenberg explain this ? He who published " Free Speech for Everybody " editorial ! ( he was worried about right winger Mike Stenhouse's free speech rights The Rhode Island Center for Freedom and Prosperity is devoted to the ideals of Ayn Rand ) .
Should I type out my blog address it is immediately DETECTED AS SPAM . This CENSORSHIP goes way beyond any one obscure" leftist " writer. The World Socialist Web Site is itself a victim and has been reporting on ruling class censorship of the Internet for months now.
People with enormous wealth and power in government and prominent in news media should not be too quick to see themselves as victims of hateful prejudice. Their best and brightest for more than a century were socialist internationalists - not dupes of Biblical idolatry - today's nation state worship .
Yet the mainstream news media in the United States supports just this obtuse point of view. Nobody has explained to me - a rather orthodox " democratic socialist " - why I have been banned at ABC on-line , banned at the on-line Brown Daily Herald, blocked from Cranston Patch and Warwick Patch , and the Warwick Beacon.
E Coli in Narragansett and South Kingstown Water Supply: Boil It
Can a little clique of belligerent Zionists decide who to blackball ? Does the question itself smack of hateful " anti-Semitism " ? There should be no taboo questions in revolutionary socialist politics.
In past I would get a letter published every few months in the Providence Journal. But none since the start of the New McCarthyism. How would chief editor Alan Rosenberg explain this ? He who published " Free Speech for Everybody " editorial ! ( he was worried about right winger Mike Stenhouse's free speech rights The Rhode Island Center for Freedom and Prosperity is devoted to the ideals of Ayn Rand ) .
Should I type out my blog address it is immediately DETECTED AS SPAM . This CENSORSHIP goes way beyond any one obscure" leftist " writer. The World Socialist Web Site is itself a victim and has been reporting on ruling class censorship of the Internet for months now.
People with enormous wealth and power in government and prominent in news media should not be too quick to see themselves as victims of hateful prejudice. Their best and brightest for more than a century were socialist internationalists - not dupes of Biblical idolatry - today's nation state worship .
Thursday, August 30, 2018
How can the capitalist state quickly employ refugees ?
Who is to blame for the neo-Nazi rampage in Chemnitz, Germany?
The Neo-Nazi element opposed to the assimilation of millions of war refugees is self-evident . But on the not so pseudo Left there is a lack of honest debate about what can be done right now , and an avoidance of embarrassing questions : " Will THEY take OUR jobs ? " , threaten social peace, end up as " lumpen proletariat " ? . Young men with nothing to do -and urgent sexual desire -are themselves excellent recruits for ruling class intrigue .
Capitalism does not give people a job just because they desperately need jobs . The capitalist state is getting very stingy with working class citizens. How can it quickly employ refugees ? Preferential hiring ?
A future socialist society can establish EQUILIBRIUM on the borders of phased out nation states. I cannot imagine EVERYBODY " Coming to America " or to Germany . I can imagine many Jews returning from Israel to Europe or the United States.
If American could be imagined as a great " Melting Pot ", then so can the whole world .
Socialist writer Upton Sinclair 's " The Jungle " is still relevant to immigrant families everywhere.
Capitalism does not give people a job just because they desperately need jobs . The capitalist state is getting very stingy with working class citizens. How can it quickly employ refugees ? Preferential hiring ?
A future socialist society can establish EQUILIBRIUM on the borders of phased out nation states. I cannot imagine EVERYBODY " Coming to America " or to Germany . I can imagine many Jews returning from Israel to Europe or the United States.
If American could be imagined as a great " Melting Pot ", then so can the whole world .
Socialist writer Upton Sinclair 's " The Jungle " is still relevant to immigrant families everywhere.
Free speech in the USA ?
Listening to a phony debate late yesterday afternoon on local radio between two competing candidates for Rhode Island governor ( Gina Raimondo, the present governor, was a no show) I was struck by the dearth of IDEAS among all the " two party system " would be saviors of a capitalist system in crisis.
One of them, lacking the " progressive " credentials of the other ( Matt Brown ) , said that what was evident in Governor Raimondo's deficient leadership was a lack of military experience such as he himself had. You must attack problems with military EFFICIENCY, you see - as in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Syria -and Puerto Rico.
All the two bit Democrat contenders for public office damned President Donald Trump for being a lackey of our enemy Russian president Vladimir Putin. One of them here, Ray Berarducci , introduces himself on radio with the Marine Corps Hymn .
Almost nowhere in the mainstream news media will you find an editor or a columnist or even an " objective " reporter questioning this rather baseless hostility to Russia -as if the Cold War against " godless communism " never ended . Today a nuclear war is being prepared by godless American capitalism . In Russia gangster capitalism seems to have the backing of the Russian Orthodox Church- a restraining force ?
Free speech in the USA ? Providence Journal editor Alan Rosenberg invites YOU to " Join the Conversation " on his editorial page ( after banning COMMENTS ) . But if YOU are one of those awful Marxists , if you like what you read on the World Socialist Web Site, don't even bother..
One of them, lacking the " progressive " credentials of the other ( Matt Brown ) , said that what was evident in Governor Raimondo's deficient leadership was a lack of military experience such as he himself had. You must attack problems with military EFFICIENCY, you see - as in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Syria -and Puerto Rico.
All the two bit Democrat contenders for public office damned President Donald Trump for being a lackey of our enemy Russian president Vladimir Putin. One of them here, Ray Berarducci , introduces himself on radio with the Marine Corps Hymn .
Almost nowhere in the mainstream news media will you find an editor or a columnist or even an " objective " reporter questioning this rather baseless hostility to Russia -as if the Cold War against " godless communism " never ended . Today a nuclear war is being prepared by godless American capitalism . In Russia gangster capitalism seems to have the backing of the Russian Orthodox Church- a restraining force ?
Free speech in the USA ? Providence Journal editor Alan Rosenberg invites YOU to " Join the Conversation " on his editorial page ( after banning COMMENTS ) . But if YOU are one of those awful Marxists , if you like what you read on the World Socialist Web Site, don't even bother..
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Why can't anybody vote a comment DOWN at WBUR on-line ?
"It is pure nonsense to reproach working class white people with the evil of WHITE SUPREMACY."
" Actually, no, it isn't. "
I wanted to vote your -as usual- vacuous comment DOWN but the NPR rigged COMMENT system won't let me . And nobody in the management of NPR will condescend to EXPLAIN. They should all be fired for incompetence and bias .
" Actually, no, it isn't. "
I wanted to vote your -as usual- vacuous comment DOWN but the NPR rigged COMMENT system won't let me . And nobody in the management of NPR will condescend to EXPLAIN. They should all be fired for incompetence and bias .
Our COMFORTABLE professors see this as the best of all possible worlds ?
Before reading this article I listened to my conservative " Red Eye Radio " aids to insomnia " explain " just how wonderful and rational capitalism is compared to " socialism " as if that were already a reality and a FAILURE everywhere on the planet.
We must realize that most of the well -educated middle class and upper middle class in capitalist America have sophisticated prejudice against the very idea of socialism - and they , in fact, feel threatened by the very idea of human EQUIALITY . For them it is enough that working class people have an equal opportunity to win the state lottery !
But one still wonders when they read such horror stories as " Ten Children Die in Chicago House Fire " is there no social conscience there to be pricked ?
Karl Marx said that the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class. But THEIR ideas of " socialism " can have no other source than the bourgeois educational system.
The world in which our PROFESSORS are so comfortable is the best of all possible worlds ?
We must realize that most of the well -educated middle class and upper middle class in capitalist America have sophisticated prejudice against the very idea of socialism - and they , in fact, feel threatened by the very idea of human EQUIALITY . For them it is enough that working class people have an equal opportunity to win the state lottery !
But one still wonders when they read such horror stories as " Ten Children Die in Chicago House Fire " is there no social conscience there to be pricked ?
Karl Marx said that the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class. But THEIR ideas of " socialism " can have no other source than the bourgeois educational system.
The world in which our PROFESSORS are so comfortable is the best of all possible worlds ?
Don't reproach working class white people with " WHITE SUPREMACY "
Unless the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s is judged FAILURE institutionalized racism is as rare as scurvy in the United States. If nobody hears the N-word again for a whole decade, will that signify permanent harmony between the races here ? There is no way to change an individual soul to make him or her like people he or she is not inclined to like . Liking people should not be compulsory -like respecting their civil rights, their human dignity.
Most " prejudice " is a generalization - true or false - from personal experience. If cops too often encounter black violators of the law , it should be no surprise that they are tainted with " prejudice " here. The same applies to unpleasant encounters with other " identities ". Personal prejudice can often be cured by wider experience- not patronizing " re-education ".
Democratic socialists see the root of racism in individuals in the CLASS DIVIDED capitalist system. The ruling class daily plays a divide and conquer game - the essence of which is found in effete and vicious DNC based " identity politics ".
It is pure nonsense to reproach working class white people with the evil of WHITE SUPREMACY.
The only minority in this country that deserves to be checked is the ONE PERCENT, the truly PRIVILEGED class- hardly all WASP anymore.
Most " prejudice " is a generalization - true or false - from personal experience. If cops too often encounter black violators of the law , it should be no surprise that they are tainted with " prejudice " here. The same applies to unpleasant encounters with other " identities ". Personal prejudice can often be cured by wider experience- not patronizing " re-education ".
Democratic socialists see the root of racism in individuals in the CLASS DIVIDED capitalist system. The ruling class daily plays a divide and conquer game - the essence of which is found in effete and vicious DNC based " identity politics ".
It is pure nonsense to reproach working class white people with the evil of WHITE SUPREMACY.
The only minority in this country that deserves to be checked is the ONE PERCENT, the truly PRIVILEGED class- hardly all WASP anymore.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Nicolas Hulot is an honorable man
French Environment Minister Quits In Live Interview: 'World Is Not Doing Enough'
"Nicolas Hulot stunned the hosts of his live radio interview Tuesday by declaring his resignation in protest of the French president's environmental policy. "
Today is insufferably hot in Rhode Island . How can you not believe in the reality of global warming ? How cruel for Rhode Island public school officials to send kids back to school in oppressive August Heat before Labor Day . Our Governor Gina Raimondo is a completely out of touch pseudo-liberal " elitist " .
What CAN be done about very un-gradual climate change ? Only global economic planning -not inhibited by the capitalist profit system - can begin to deal with the climate crisis .
I recall an eerie Twilight Zone episode about the sun itself suddenly becoming too hot for life on earth. If the astrophysicists have it right that won't happen for a few billion years.
Still the Good Earth can become more like hellish Venus -not quite the Goddess of Love for any human visitors.
Nicolas Hulot is an honorable man .

Today is insufferably hot in Rhode Island . How can you not believe in the reality of global warming ? How cruel for Rhode Island public school officials to send kids back to school in oppressive August Heat before Labor Day . Our Governor Gina Raimondo is a completely out of touch pseudo-liberal " elitist " .
What CAN be done about very un-gradual climate change ? Only global economic planning -not inhibited by the capitalist profit system - can begin to deal with the climate crisis .
I recall an eerie Twilight Zone episode about the sun itself suddenly becoming too hot for life on earth. If the astrophysicists have it right that won't happen for a few billion years.
Still the Good Earth can become more like hellish Venus -not quite the Goddess of Love for any human visitors.
Nicolas Hulot is an honorable man .

Computer " scanning " can preserve precious historical documents and manuscripts
" But in the end, as the Left Opposition manuscripts attest, especially under such extraordinary suffering, the pursuit of the absolute material interests of the revolutionary working class cannot be defeated (or even co-opted!)--individually or collectively. "
I am relieved to know that modern computerized " scanning " - now available as free service in public libraries- can preserve these documents for future reference. How many precious historic documents disappeared that witnessed the titanic events of the past -like the Fall of Rome ? How much do we really know about the collapse of the Soviet Union circa 1991 ?
I hope that some talented composer of classical music can honor these Old Bolshevik martyrs with a work comparable to a Beethoven symphony . Their names should be inscribed on grand monuments.
I am relieved to know that modern computerized " scanning " - now available as free service in public libraries- can preserve these documents for future reference. How many precious historic documents disappeared that witnessed the titanic events of the past -like the Fall of Rome ? How much do we really know about the collapse of the Soviet Union circa 1991 ?
I hope that some talented composer of classical music can honor these Old Bolshevik martyrs with a work comparable to a Beethoven symphony . Their names should be inscribed on grand monuments.
Senator Elizabeth Warren - the " Edsel " of progressive models for the 2020 presidential election
'Elizabeth Warren' Highlights All Of The Senator's Positives
If the Democratic Party wants to SELL the voters Senator Elizabeth Warren , she is best described as the " Edsel " of progressive models for the 2020 presidential election.
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
200 Ocasio-Cortez's praise of McCain
" The Democrats have utilized the death of McCain as part of a calculated strategy, elevating him—along with figures such as former CIA Director John Brennan—as political heroes. "
I just read that Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse - known as a " progressive " Democrat ( they are all so " progressive " here in rotting Rhode Island which they absolutely dominate for years ) - dear Sheldon Whitehouse will be a pall bearer at John McCain's funeral.
Sheldon made the point on local radio news this morning that whatever his principled differences with McCain the conservative Senator's moral compass always pointed " TRUE NORTH " . And Senator Whitehouse said this with weeping sincerity.
This is ruling class morality in all its phoniness. So many FALSE PEOPLE in the service of this arrogant, out of touch, privileged minority.
What majestic LAW , what exalted principles of morality can rise above the bitter class struggle ? UNIVERSAL LOVE is simply impossible where there is obscene economic and social inequality.
Our ruling class cannot even respect the RULES OF WAR and the Geneva Convention. How lucky for John McCain that he never had an unexpected " welcome " to The Hague .

I just read that Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse - known as a " progressive " Democrat ( they are all so " progressive " here in rotting Rhode Island which they absolutely dominate for years ) - dear Sheldon Whitehouse will be a pall bearer at John McCain's funeral.
Sheldon made the point on local radio news this morning that whatever his principled differences with McCain the conservative Senator's moral compass always pointed " TRUE NORTH " . And Senator Whitehouse said this with weeping sincerity.
This is ruling class morality in all its phoniness. So many FALSE PEOPLE in the service of this arrogant, out of touch, privileged minority.
What majestic LAW , what exalted principles of morality can rise above the bitter class struggle ? UNIVERSAL LOVE is simply impossible where there is obscene economic and social inequality.
Our ruling class cannot even respect the RULES OF WAR and the Geneva Convention. How lucky for John McCain that he never had an unexpected " welcome " to The Hague .
We don't honor courageous veterans by fanning the flames of new wars
Discussion on WPRO
Senator Whitehouse named a pallbearer at McCain’s funeral
RIP Senator John McCain . What alarms us " democratic socialists " is the right wing tone of Democratic Party criticism of President Donald Trump and its increasing neo-con acceptance of militarism as a permanent basis of " Our Way of Life ".
How do we HONOR the courage of veterans by preparing more stupid and endless wars, by supporting the New Colonialism in the Middle East and risking nuclear World War III with Russia, China, North Korea , Iran ? By threatening even tiny Venezuela with military intervention ?
How do we HONOR the courage of veterans by preparing more stupid and endless wars, by supporting the New Colonialism in the Middle East and risking nuclear World War III with Russia, China, North Korea , Iran ? By threatening even tiny Venezuela with military intervention ?
Monday, August 27, 2018
Pop on WEAN played Leonard Bernstein's " West Side Story " frequently
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
The centenary of Leonard Bernstein—Part 2
I have been following the celebration of the Leonard Bernstein Centenary on Classical Radio Boston 99.5 WCRB. I greatly appreciate this radio station . Classic music is wrongly connected to class snobbery . Great music like great art and literature belongs to ALL humanity.
My warm memory of Leonard Bernstein goes back circa 1960 when I watched " West Side Story " at the local Palace Theater in Washington Park, Providence. How romantic the " Tonight " song.
I found the sociology of " America " quite instructive . Even " juvenile delinquency " was explained as " a social disease ".
My father, a local radio announcer ( WEAN, radio name DON ROGERS ) for 30 years, played the music of " West Side Story " frequently . He also played much Italian opera. To be sure, Pizza & Puccini was nothing to rebel against.
I still wonder when for me " the music died " . There has to be a connection between rotten , heartless, joyless music and social decay. Can any artist rise above his times ?
My warm memory of Leonard Bernstein goes back circa 1960 when I watched " West Side Story " at the local Palace Theater in Washington Park, Providence. How romantic the " Tonight " song.
I found the sociology of " America " quite instructive . Even " juvenile delinquency " was explained as " a social disease ".
My father, a local radio announcer ( WEAN, radio name DON ROGERS ) for 30 years, played the music of " West Side Story " frequently . He also played much Italian opera. To be sure, Pizza & Puccini was nothing to rebel against.
I still wonder when for me " the music died " . There has to be a connection between rotten , heartless, joyless music and social decay. Can any artist rise above his times ?
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So " juvenile delinquency " IS a social disease ! |
" Left Opposition " documents found in Russia
Historic discovery of Left Opposition manuscripts from the early 1930s
"The documents confirm that the Left Opposition, even after it was expelled from the Communist Party and thrown behind bars, remained a formidable force " .
A priceless discovery . I was always certain that the original leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution were indeed " a formidable force " . They had what is so lacking today : " The Right Stuff ".
A priceless discovery . I was always certain that the original leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution were indeed " a formidable force " . They had what is so lacking today : " The Right Stuff ".
Why the Catholic Church is moribund ?
Archbishop Alleges Pope Francis Long Knew About Abuse, Calls On Him To Resign
"NPR's Sylvia Poggioli reports that Viganò belongs to a conservative faction that blames clerical sex abuse on the presence of homosexuality in the church and believes Pope Francis is too lenient on gay people. "
I cannot possibly be associated with any " conservative faction " in Catholic Church controversy . But I do think that the Catholic Church is a sadly moribund religious institution as a result of the very " modernism " that prevailed in Vatican II. The reckless reformers messed with its ancient MYSTIQUE and rituals -like the GRAVITAS of the priesthood , the " Mystical Body of Christ ", and the sublime Latin Mass .
I am talking MASS PSYCHOLOGY here - not theological credibility.
I cannot possibly be associated with any " conservative faction " in Catholic Church controversy . But I do think that the Catholic Church is a sadly moribund religious institution as a result of the very " modernism " that prevailed in Vatican II. The reckless reformers messed with its ancient MYSTIQUE and rituals -like the GRAVITAS of the priesthood , the " Mystical Body of Christ ", and the sublime Latin Mass .
I am talking MASS PSYCHOLOGY here - not theological credibility.
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The Latin mass mystique |
NPR mourns " hero " Senator John McCain
For a more realistic view of Senator John McCain's Vietnam War " heroism " read the leading story on todays World Socialist Web Site.
To be sure , there was nothing " heroic " about the criminal war in Vietnam - the crimes against humanity so well documented. We democratic socialists applaud the anti-war movement in the United States - and the just END in the " Fall of Saigon " in 1975 .
Sad that " liberal " Democrats have lobotomized themselves about the un-glorious imperialist past -in order to support the imperialist America present.
To be sure , there was nothing " heroic " about the criminal war in Vietnam - the crimes against humanity so well documented. We democratic socialists applaud the anti-war movement in the United States - and the just END in the " Fall of Saigon " in 1975 .
Sad that " liberal " Democrats have lobotomized themselves about the un-glorious imperialist past -in order to support the imperialist America present.
Senator John McCain - " heroism " in the service of the decidedly UN-HEROIC
" McCain was a right-wing Republican, but the loudest tributes to his political record are coming from Democrats... "
Given his family's military history and his class roots , his military and political career in the " heroic " defense of the socially rooted evil of American capitalism and imperialism were pre-determined.
What is so tragic about a decaying social order is that so much real courage, character, " honor " , " love of country " is placed in the service of hideous EVIL.
You would have to be illiterate in American History to see any " heroism " on our side there. What was so " heroic " about pilots like John McCain dropping napalm on Vietnamese civilians and devastating the country - and fellow Americans - with agent orange ? The famous British philosopher Bertrand Russell documented these war crimes for his " International War Crimes Tribunal ( read " Bertrand Russell's America " for the horrible details ) .
How could " war criminal " McCain as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam not get less than loving treatment ?
Whatever the demented Christian Right says about the righteousness of the Vietnam War - a view scandalously shared by the American Catholic Church hierarchy ( Cardinal Spellman always seeing a nuclear holocaust as preferential to the triumph of " godless communism " ) no good God was on their side in THE END - the humiliating defeat of U.S imperialism and the fall of Saigon in 1975 - soon after the fall of the arch-war criminal Richard Nixon.
John McCain did seem to be a voice of conscience in the matter of torturing prisoners of war . So if Hell -like Heaven- has many mansions, his rooms will be moderately air-conditioned.
Given his family's military history and his class roots , his military and political career in the " heroic " defense of the socially rooted evil of American capitalism and imperialism were pre-determined.
What is so tragic about a decaying social order is that so much real courage, character, " honor " , " love of country " is placed in the service of hideous EVIL.
You would have to be illiterate in American History to see any " heroism " on our side there. What was so " heroic " about pilots like John McCain dropping napalm on Vietnamese civilians and devastating the country - and fellow Americans - with agent orange ? The famous British philosopher Bertrand Russell documented these war crimes for his " International War Crimes Tribunal ( read " Bertrand Russell's America " for the horrible details ) .
How could " war criminal " McCain as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam not get less than loving treatment ?
Whatever the demented Christian Right says about the righteousness of the Vietnam War - a view scandalously shared by the American Catholic Church hierarchy ( Cardinal Spellman always seeing a nuclear holocaust as preferential to the triumph of " godless communism " ) no good God was on their side in THE END - the humiliating defeat of U.S imperialism and the fall of Saigon in 1975 - soon after the fall of the arch-war criminal Richard Nixon.
John McCain did seem to be a voice of conscience in the matter of torturing prisoners of war . So if Hell -like Heaven- has many mansions, his rooms will be moderately air-conditioned.
Saturday, August 25, 2018
The Mueller Investigation will make him a most boring footnote in American history
The Russia Investigations: 'Where's The Collusion?'
Yes , it is like the famous " Where's the beef ? " in political campaign past. The Mueller Investigation will make him one of the most boring footnotes in American history .
What a joke : the Russians meddled in " OUR democracy " ! The American ruling class has RIGGED all presidential elections since the rise of " Imperial America ".
No more than the American working class do the Russians have anything to gain by siding with Republicans against Democrats or siding with Democrats against Republicans.
But how sickening to see " liberal " Democrats slobbering over the FBI, CIA , the shadow government of the American plutocracy.
The New Militarism of the Democratic Party -even in local politics
[ SEP candidate Niles Niemuth ] noted that “ the Democrats are running a record number of former CIA, State Department and military members for office in the November midterms... "
Even in local politics the Democratic Party candidates brag about their military background . One young ambitious Democrat for the Providence City Council,
Raymond Berarducci , pictures himself in Marine Corps uniform and his radio ad plays the Marine Corps Hymn -which tells you how very special and QUALIFIED this young man is to SERVE the community after SERVING his country.
The radio talk show host, Dan Yorke , brags about being an Army helicopter pilot , himself a holder of state office in Rhode Island and smugly right-wing .
The Providence City Council candidate's family is prominent in a Federal Hill funeral home business. I recall that the notorious Mafia gangster Raymond Patriarca was waked there. A friend Don Plante and I observed the " mourners " from his parked car across the street.
If the Democrats recover political dominance in 2020 , we will no doubt see a boom in the funeral industry . And more demands for Marine Corps bands .
A Republican candidate for governor of Rhode Island, Giovanni Feroce , also brags about his military service . This natural born leader ( also an arrogant and failed CEO ) strikingly resembles in manner and speech the Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini .

I like what one dying writer said about middle aged men still strutting proudly in their military uniforms : " They are cases of arrested development ". His father had been a local " communist " persecuted for his political ideology .
I wish that in crowd viewed sports events the National Anthem were replaced by Copland 's " Fanfare for the Common Man ".
Even in local politics the Democratic Party candidates brag about their military background . One young ambitious Democrat for the Providence City Council,
Raymond Berarducci , pictures himself in Marine Corps uniform and his radio ad plays the Marine Corps Hymn -which tells you how very special and QUALIFIED this young man is to SERVE the community after SERVING his country.
The radio talk show host, Dan Yorke , brags about being an Army helicopter pilot , himself a holder of state office in Rhode Island and smugly right-wing .
The Providence City Council candidate's family is prominent in a Federal Hill funeral home business. I recall that the notorious Mafia gangster Raymond Patriarca was waked there. A friend Don Plante and I observed the " mourners " from his parked car across the street.
If the Democrats recover political dominance in 2020 , we will no doubt see a boom in the funeral industry . And more demands for Marine Corps bands .
A Republican candidate for governor of Rhode Island, Giovanni Feroce , also brags about his military service . This natural born leader ( also an arrogant and failed CEO ) strikingly resembles in manner and speech the Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini .

I like what one dying writer said about middle aged men still strutting proudly in their military uniforms : " They are cases of arrested development ". His father had been a local " communist " persecuted for his political ideology .
I wish that in crowd viewed sports events the National Anthem were replaced by Copland 's " Fanfare for the Common Man ".
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Patriarca funeral at Beraducci Funeral Home in Providence Copland's " Fanfare for the Common Man " |
Why is barbariic Saudi Arabia an ally of the United States ?
US-backed Saudi regime set to behead female activist and four others
Is this barbaric country Saudi Arabia along with Apartheid Israel part of the wonderful , worth dying for FREE WORLD led by Imperial , Plutocratic-UNDEMOCRATIC - America ?
Do the common people here have any say in U.S. foreign policy : who our FRIENDS are ; who our ENEMIES are ?
Is not Venezuela an even greater " socialist " ( ? ) horror show than Saudi Arabia ? Our CIA and FBI can instruct us in the " higher morality " of crackpot military " realism " ?
Do the common people here have any say in U.S. foreign policy : who our FRIENDS are ; who our ENEMIES are ?
Is not Venezuela an even greater " socialist " ( ? ) horror show than Saudi Arabia ? Our CIA and FBI can instruct us in the " higher morality " of crackpot military " realism " ?
The CULT OF " THE DOCTOR " is getting ridiculous
No Amount Of Alcohol Is Good For Your Health, Global Study Says
You just can't trust FAKE HEALTH NEWS in a FOR PROFIT health care system. Yes, I read that one or two glasses of RED wine is wonderful for you, that dark chocolate is an anti-depressant, that coffee is good for you , that coffee is cancerous , that you should rush to SEE YOUR DOCTOR for a dozen different vaccines , that EVERYBODY in my generation should get tested right away for Hepatitis C , that there is no pain in hell comparable to SHINGLES !
The medical profession is over-rated and the CULT OF THE DOCTOR is getting ridiculous.
In the future perhaps computers will train bright dexterous teenagers to be competent brain surgeons in 10 weeks . Or future presidents in two weeks
The medical profession is over-rated and the CULT OF THE DOCTOR is getting ridiculous.
In the future perhaps computers will train bright dexterous teenagers to be competent brain surgeons in 10 weeks . Or future presidents in two weeks
Friday, August 24, 2018
As George Orwell said : " Socialism should be obvious "
The class dynamics of the stock market bull run
What can be a more self-evident economic truth than that millions of people who make a lot of money merely by having money constitute a parasite class ? When their wealth doubles every few years are they left exhausted by the effort ? How alienated can they get from WORKING FOR A LIVING life styles of the have-nots, the poor and down and out ?
Only the BIG LIE no matter how professorial or sophomoric or INFOMERCIAL IDIOTIC can justify this class inequality under capitalism.
As George Orwell said years ago : " Socialism should be obvious " .
Indeed SOCIALIST EQUALITY PARTY should be the obvious choice on any election ballots .
Only the BIG LIE no matter how professorial or sophomoric or INFOMERCIAL IDIOTIC can justify this class inequality under capitalism.
As George Orwell said years ago : " Socialism should be obvious " .
Indeed SOCIALIST EQUALITY PARTY should be the obvious choice on any election ballots .
Dumb Democrats double down on " identity politics "
Warren Is Too Divisive, Says GOP Senate Candidate And Trump Supporter Diehl
Senator Elizabeth Warren is indeed " divisive " simply because the DNC strategy of politically correct " identity politics " is designed to fragment the American working class, divide it up into mutually antagonistic " identity politics " communities whose stock in trade for ambitious social climbing is forever being OFFENDED by some real or imagined slights; for ambitious females always seeing themselves as victims of MALE sexism and privilege; for ambitious black people always seeing themselves suppressed and humiliated by PRIVILEGED WHITE SUPREMACY, for gay people always sniffing out the vicious homophobes amongst us , for professional God Haters fearing any show of faith among the millions of Catholics, Protestants, Muslims , and Orthodox Jews.
And what do " progressives " like Elizabeth Warren have to offer impoverished Native Americans ? More casinos ?
Too many decent Americans - whatever their politics - have been ruined or destroyed by DNC based " identity politics ". But in the coming midterm elections of 2018 the Democratic Party is clearly planning to double down on it-having learned NOTHING from the defeat of " Corrupt Hillary ".
And what do " progressives " like Elizabeth Warren have to offer impoverished Native Americans ? More casinos ?
Too many decent Americans - whatever their politics - have been ruined or destroyed by DNC based " identity politics ". But in the coming midterm elections of 2018 the Democratic Party is clearly planning to double down on it-having learned NOTHING from the defeat of " Corrupt Hillary ".
Do Radical Ron COMMENT hecklers all work for Israeli Intelligence ?
What is more ridiculous than a crass display of know-nothing political illiteracy ? Can't the NPR clique you represent get somebody who can actually make a counter-point ?
NONE of the individuals who stalk my comments show a real name . Do they all work for the CIA, FBI, or Israeli Intelligence ?
NONE of the individuals who stalk my comments show a real name . Do they all work for the CIA, FBI, or Israeli Intelligence ?
Socialists do not pander to these " identity politics " groups . We find it imperative to introduce CLASS consciousness to them, tell them to unite as members of the WORKING CLASS.
We reject egocentric , petty bourgeois social climbing and so called " black capitalism ". We see
that there is nothing "progressive " in having a female CEO exploit and oppress workers in place of a male CEO .
We completely reject the notion of WHITE SUPREMACY as having any reality at all . The reality is RULING CLASS supremacy in ALL capitalist countries -now including Russia.
We reject egocentric , petty bourgeois social climbing and so called " black capitalism ". We see
that there is nothing "progressive " in having a female CEO exploit and oppress workers in place of a male CEO .
We completely reject the notion of WHITE SUPREMACY as having any reality at all . The reality is RULING CLASS supremacy in ALL capitalist countries -now including Russia.
No HOPE FOR CHANGE with Democrats
More than a hundred years ago the legendary socialist Eugene V. Debs - honored with a poster in the office of that " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders - warned that the American working class has no true friends in the Democratic Party. That is even more true after the neo-liberal Democrats abandoned the " progressive " tradition of the FDR and the New Deal. The present Democratic Party is a neo-con, war mongering mockery of what was once authentic " liberalism ".
Should they succeed in getting rid of President Trump their HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism has prepared the way for nuclear World War III . And that will permanently separate children from their parents in a " Day After " nightmare holocaust.
No HOPE FOR CHANGE with Democrats !
Should they succeed in getting rid of President Trump their HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism has prepared the way for nuclear World War III . And that will permanently separate children from their parents in a " Day After " nightmare holocaust.
No HOPE FOR CHANGE with Democrats !
Thursday, August 23, 2018
" NOT-A- GENTLEMAN " Paris Dennard and the new " sexual McCarthyism "
WBUR Responds To Misconduct Allegations Against Paris Dennard
[ In another sharp exchange on CNN earlier this year over Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s then-alleged payments to porn actress Stormy Daniels, Republican strategist Rick Wilson blasted Dennard for saying the actions were irrelevant because they were from before Trump was president. “The fact that you’re defending him,” Wilson said, “speaks much more about your character and what low standards you have.” ]
Paris Dennard belongs to the NOT-A-GENTLEMAN Club. But what he says below is worth thinking about in the present atmosphere of sexual McCarthyism :
[ Dennard fired back: “You can dig up dirty laundry and I pray to God that nobody goes back in your past and picks up something that has nothing to do with your present time as sitting here as a commentator.” ]
Why do the # ME-TOO stories mostly surface years later ? Have the new feminists forgotten the power of SHAME and the SLAP IN THE FACE on dime-store male sexual pigs ?
Also we must be wary of guilt by allegation . A lot goes on behind the scenes in today's sexual jungle.
Socialists were condemning treating women as sex objects more than a century ago.

Paris Dennard belongs to the NOT-A-GENTLEMAN Club. But what he says below is worth thinking about in the present atmosphere of sexual McCarthyism :
[ Dennard fired back: “You can dig up dirty laundry and I pray to God that nobody goes back in your past and picks up something that has nothing to do with your present time as sitting here as a commentator.” ]
Why do the # ME-TOO stories mostly surface years later ? Have the new feminists forgotten the power of SHAME and the SLAP IN THE FACE on dime-store male sexual pigs ?
Also we must be wary of guilt by allegation . A lot goes on behind the scenes in today's sexual jungle.
Socialists were condemning treating women as sex objects more than a century ago.

Show me an establishment Democrat who does not support Zionist Apartheid Israel ?
"And again, the phony socialist shows up to endorse the Republicans, including this one who's praising the tax cuts for the rich and insisting the solution to the massive deficits they've caused is to force working people to do with less. "
I do not endorse ANY Republicans . As a democratic socialist I ENDORSE only socialists like Niles Niemuth of the Socialist Equality Party running in Michigan for Congress.
Show me an establishment Democrat who does not support American capitalism, imperialist wars , and Zionist Apartheid Israel ?
Show me an establishment Democrat who does not support American capitalism, imperialist wars , and Zionist Apartheid Israel ?
Just say NO in fall election to phony liberal Senator Elizabeth Warren
GOP Senate Candidate Beth Lindstrom: It's About Warren Running In 2020 And Leaving Us Behind
Ever since she endorsed " Corrupt Hillary " in the 2016 presidential election Senator Elizabeth Warren sounds more and more like a political establishment hack herself - this rising star in the Democratic Party. She can only be crowned by pseudo-Left snobs of " identity politics " and of now demented political correctness . She too blesses the military-industrial complex and slobbers over the FBI-CIA , the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism .
Just say no to this phony " liberal ", Elizabeth Warren, in the fall election. She has nothing to offer the working class or the working class Left .
Just say no to this phony " liberal ", Elizabeth Warren, in the fall election. She has nothing to offer the working class or the working class Left .
World Socialist Web Site condemns Google censorship
[ Google the letter from WSWS International Editorial Board Chairperson David North stated, was “engaged in political censorship of the Internet.”]
This is almost self-evident to any individual not soured on the free speech and free thought tradition - always on the defensive - in capitalist imperialist America but still a long tradition rightfully associated with much maligned ( by the pseudo-Left ) Western Civilization - which nourished both modern science, humanist religious thought , and Marxism.
It is shocking how many neo-liberals are denying not absolute truth ( as in dogmatic religions ) but objective reality. We socialists cannot leave the criticism of public schools and " higher education " to right wing slanted scholarship.
In Ivy League institutions -like Brown University - there is a virtual " Office of the Inquisition " to sniff out non-conformity in matters of political correctness and " identity politics " ( this prole writer has been BANNED ON THE BROWN DAILY HERALD )
Rarely does one hear American college teachers say anything critical of the SYSTEM - of rotten capitalism and arrogant imperialism - as they did in the tumultuous 60s. The shadow government of the United States , the CIA, the FBI , pacified the campus pacifists , " radicals " , " free thinkers " way back in the Reagan era.
You will not find one mainstream newspaper columnist passionately defending free speech rights for EVERYBODY .
The World Socialist Web Site is doing just that . And deserves all the support it can get - moral and financial.
This is almost self-evident to any individual not soured on the free speech and free thought tradition - always on the defensive - in capitalist imperialist America but still a long tradition rightfully associated with much maligned ( by the pseudo-Left ) Western Civilization - which nourished both modern science, humanist religious thought , and Marxism.
It is shocking how many neo-liberals are denying not absolute truth ( as in dogmatic religions ) but objective reality. We socialists cannot leave the criticism of public schools and " higher education " to right wing slanted scholarship.
In Ivy League institutions -like Brown University - there is a virtual " Office of the Inquisition " to sniff out non-conformity in matters of political correctness and " identity politics " ( this prole writer has been BANNED ON THE BROWN DAILY HERALD )
Rarely does one hear American college teachers say anything critical of the SYSTEM - of rotten capitalism and arrogant imperialism - as they did in the tumultuous 60s. The shadow government of the United States , the CIA, the FBI , pacified the campus pacifists , " radicals " , " free thinkers " way back in the Reagan era.
You will not find one mainstream newspaper columnist passionately defending free speech rights for EVERYBODY .
The World Socialist Web Site is doing just that . And deserves all the support it can get - moral and financial.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
DNC Reports Attempted Cyberattack To Feds, Says No Compromise Of Voter Database
There is good reason for intelligent American voters to be highly skeptical of DNC claims that naughty Russians are once again shamelessly trying to sabotage " OUR democracy ". The DNC beat them to it in the 2016 presidential election. Ask old " socialist " Bernie Sanders.
How can our already RIGGED elections matter that much to Putin's Russian oligarchy ?
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
Legal noose tightens around Trump White House
Behind the weasel word " collusion " is the assumption that the American people have been sold on the idea of CAPITALIST Russia as a sinister and relentless ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES even now planning to meddle in the coming fall election ( on the side of " progressive " Democrats this time ? ).
Any un-brainwashed working class voter will think : " this makes no sense ".... " Just WHO is sabotaging " OUR democracy " ? How can our already RIGGED elections matter that much to Putin's Russian oligarchy ?
Those evil Russians want to divide us ? As if American capitalism and imperialism had not already completed the job.
Can the American ruling class quickly and smoothly replace Donald Trump with a scripted , docile, idiot face Republican or Democrat ? " Winston Churchill Pence " will lead the " free world " in a final crusade against the Evil Empire ? Or will they restore Barack Obama to the throne of the " Imperial Presidency " ? With " Hawk Hillary " again waiting in the wings ?
There will be an unprecedented special vote that will restore Obama to the presidency. Remember the triple crown horse American pharaoh. It represented ..
Or unrecognized military " heroes " restoring ORDER and RESPECT FOR THE FLAG with a " Seven Days in May " coup ?
The All-American Junta will send chills down the patriotic spine of all true Americans .
In the present " chaos " the dumbest thing for working class Americans to do is succumb to " lesser evil " desperation and vote for " liberal " Democrats . As if Trump were the root of all evil and " OUR democracy " was just perfect until WE THE PEOPLE made Trump the legitimate ( according to the Constitution ) president of the United States.
Just how do they explain the crowds for both " socialist " Bernie Sanders and " nationalist " Donald Trump in the presidential campaign of 2016 ? It seems that ESTABLISHMENT USA was not very popular. They LOST the soul of America . But for that BLAME RUSSIA ?
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
We democratic socialists will authorize the greatest jailbreak in human history
Inmates Plan To Hold Weeks-Long Strike At Prisons Across U.S.
No country that calls itself a " democracy " would tolerate for two weeks the daily crime against humanity that is the American Gulag , the American prison system - which reflects everything rotten about social and economic inequality in capitalist America . You will not find a single ambitious ( for the presidency ) " progressive " Democrat -like Senator Elizabeth Warren - who will come out boldly and clearly against the death penalty .
A democratic socialist American government will authorize the greatest jailbreak in human history. And will publish the names of ALL state executioners and all the criminal medical doctors who have assisted state executions .
All crimes against private property will be officially pardoned.
Democratic socialists completely support the prison strike. And we demand more freedom for prisoners to read what they want , communicate to whomever they wish, with daily access to the Internet , and we support their right to vote in all elections .
The criminally insane will be placed in humane and competent mental institutions - with the goal of curing and rehabilitating them for re-entrance to society.

A democratic socialist American government will authorize the greatest jailbreak in human history. And will publish the names of ALL state executioners and all the criminal medical doctors who have assisted state executions .
All crimes against private property will be officially pardoned.
Democratic socialists completely support the prison strike. And we demand more freedom for prisoners to read what they want , communicate to whomever they wish, with daily access to the Internet , and we support their right to vote in all elections .
The criminally insane will be placed in humane and competent mental institutions - with the goal of curing and rehabilitating them for re-entrance to society.

Trotsky assassination conspiracy - worth of Russian author Dostoevsky
Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky
" Hansen was one of Trotsky’s secretaries in Mexico City, a position that allowed him to make critical decisions that facilitated the plot against Trotsky’s life. " . This is such a shocking revelation .
I wish the core of the evidence against Hansen could be condensed into a column. I presently find the story credible but quite convoluted. How could an amazing revolutionary like James P. Cannon not smell a rat ?
No reason why a religious person cannot be an ardent socialist
This is not the only habitual sin the Church has committed, repeatedly and widespread. This sexual abuse thing is but a latest of a long history of similar inhuman activity. You can sweep it under the rug if you like, but actually I'm surprised you don't quote Marx, "religion is the opiate of the people."
Whatever the metaphysical TRUTH of the Catholic Church or any other religious denomination most Marxists understand the need for spiritual " opium " so long as humanity is oppressed by rotten capitalism.
I have encountered no disciples of the New Atheism who are socialists devoted to the liberation of the working class. Most of then are obnoxious snobs , disciples of Ayn Rand , and share her intellectual " Life of Contempt ".
A long time ago Engels warned about a frontal assault on religion. And SCIENCE in any case deals with RELATIVE not ABSOLUTE truth.
There is no reason why any Catholic , Protestant , Jew , Muslim cannot be an ardent socialist.
Religious Freedom is under attack in the United States -from the hateful and phony Left - the pseudo-Left.
A FINAL SOLUTION for the homeless hopeless in the United States ?
Studies: US life expectancy drops as mortality rises among younger adults
A truly alarming story that confirms the above comment :
[ More than 70 people overdose in New Haven as park visitors watch in ...
5 days ago - More than 70 people overdose in New Haven as park visitors watch in horror. Frank Miles ... “We have a guy laid out in the alleyway, unresponsive, eyes wide open. He's out cold,” ... Bad batches of the synthetic marijuana "K2" has been blamed for dozens of overdoses Video .... The photo has gone viral. ]
5 days ago - More than 70 people overdose in New Haven as park visitors watch in horror. Frank Miles ... “We have a guy laid out in the alleyway, unresponsive, eyes wide open. He's out cold,” ... Bad batches of the synthetic marijuana "K2" has been blamed for dozens of overdoses Video .... The photo has gone viral. ]
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