Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Socialism as the antithesis of All-American FREEDOM ?

"The Democratic Party is incapable of such an effort because it has no real interest in doing so, and because it is more frightened of the working class than anything a Kavanaugh Supreme Court would do. "
Hard to believe that " Hillary Democrats " are going to save working class Americans from the scourge of a reactionary Supreme Court.
One of the leaders of the charge is Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. Interviewed by newsman Gene Valicenti this morning ( 630 WPRO ) , Whitehouse voiced his objection to Brett Kavanaugh as creating a disagreeable unbalance in the Supreme Court . But can THE LAW in all its majesty ever be above the class struggle ?
When questioned by Valicenti about the rise of " democratic socialists " in the Democratic Party Senator Whitehouse pronounced Bernie Sanders safe, a " known commodity ". But how amusing that Whitehouse- commendable for his global warming lectures - pretended to be clueless about the very meaning of " democratic socialism ".
The only " socialism " that these ruling class voices want the people to imagine is the scarecrow " socialism " of the Soviet Union during the Cold War era. Naturally the antithesis of All-American FREEDOM.
Whatever their confusion about " socialism " working class Americans know the truth about their own lives. They KNOW that capitalism does not work for them, that wage slavery is not the realm of freedom. And this understanding goes way beyond those " deplorable " Rust Belt States that frustrated the presidential ambition of " Wall St. Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary ", " Corrupt Hillary ".

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