Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, July 14, 2018
American police states gives lessons in " our democracy "
Sadly there seems to be not a single employed or EMPLOYABLE journalist, columnist, editorial page writer in the mainstream news media in the United States willing to pronounce the " Russian Investigation " a Kafkaesque fraud soon to rival the infamous " Moscow Trials " of the Stalin era.
TWO years of this nonsense ! To be continued AFTER the fall election ? Still front page news in 2020 ?
A simple question is devastating : " What is the CRIME here ? " How can the highest officials in the USA not INTERACT with Russian agents ? And just WHO decided- and WHEN was it decided- that post-Communist Russia was an ENEMY of the United States ?
To be a bit silly, let me ask : " What did Vladimir Putin ever do to harm ME ( or YOU) ? Does OUR " democracy " imply any say in foreign policy , in selecting our own enemies ? WE have " a special relationship with Israel " and barbaric Saudi-Arabia but not Cuba, not Venezuela ? WE have no say in nuclear World War III ?
Is there a more phony politician on earth than a capitalist politician babbling about " Our democracy " ?
Soon the ALL-AMERICAN POLICE STATE might give honest socialists a lesson in " our democracy ". In fact, browsing the World Socialist Web Site on censorship of the Internet readers can learn about this sinister work in progress.
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