Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, July 16, 2018
Do the Democrats want a very-un-democratic palace revolution ?
Donald Trump is still -by YOUR American Constitution - the LEGITIMATE president of the United States. Nobody elected the sinister , decidedly UN-DEMOCRATIC - shadow government , the FBI , the CIA .
Hillary Clinton did not lose the 2016 presidential election because of Old Kremlin tricks. She lost because she turned off working people everywhere -not just " deplorables " in the Rust Belt states.
Do the Democrats want a palace revolution ? How UN-DEMOCRATIC !
Working class Americans want PEACE with Russia .
[ These days, Richard Wolff is feeling pretty glad he stuck around teaching this long. Now in his 70s and lecturing at the New School University and having become, over the course of his nearly 50-year-long professorial career, one of America’s most prominent Marxist economists, Wolff is used to being fringe. That’s no longer a word that can apply to him, or to his ideas. Over the summer, inequality experts Jason Hickel and Martin Kirk launched a conversation on this site when they posed the theory that capitalism is at the core of the many crises gripping our world today. To Wolff, that’s not news. But it is new to him to see the same ideas he has taught for decades being met not with scorn or skepticism, but with genuine interest. ]
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