" Isaac Deutscher, in his “Message of the Non-Jewish Jew”, wrote: “The Jewish heretic who transcends Jewry belongs to a Jewish tradition … They all went beyond the boundaries of Jewry. They all—Spinoza, Heine, Marx, Rosa Luxemburg, Trotsky and Freud—found Jewry too narrow, too archaic, and too constricting. They all looked for ideals and fulfillment beyond it, and they represent the sum and substance of much that is greatest in modern thought, the sum and substance of the most profound upheavals that have taken place in philosophy, sociology, economics and politics in the last three centuries… "
Sad that these inspiring examples of the international- socialist Jewish intellectual are rapidly fading into the past. For decades now once ON THE LEFT Jewish intellectuals have made themselves into rather ludicrous " professional Jews " besotted with state of Israel. This is IDOLATRY and many Orthodox Jews are brave enough to say so.
There is nothing charming about ethnic self-obsession. Can you picture Ireland retreating to the reactionary Irish-Catholic " culture " James Joyce wrote about in " Portrait Of the Artist As A Young Man " ?
Among the upper class SOCIAL PRESSURE is just as effective as economic terror for the working class. Rather than laugh at the legal scholar Alan Dershowitz complaining that he is being snubbed or ostracized by Martha's Vineyard circle of " friends " I felt somewhat sorry for him. He KNOWS that there is no legal substance to this endless Kafkaesque " Russian Investigation " . That makes him despicable to fellow " liberal " Democrats turned neo-con war mongers.
I recall the excellent advice to American youth given by Isaac Deutscher
in his book " Marxism In Our Time " . He noted that middle class 60s youth had been radicalized on the left but he recalled when the middle class youth of Europe were turning to fascism. You MUST make contact with your working class, he warned.

Sad that these inspiring examples of the international- socialist Jewish intellectual are rapidly fading into the past. For decades now once ON THE LEFT Jewish intellectuals have made themselves into rather ludicrous " professional Jews " besotted with state of Israel. This is IDOLATRY and many Orthodox Jews are brave enough to say so.
There is nothing charming about ethnic self-obsession. Can you picture Ireland retreating to the reactionary Irish-Catholic " culture " James Joyce wrote about in " Portrait Of the Artist As A Young Man " ?
Among the upper class SOCIAL PRESSURE is just as effective as economic terror for the working class. Rather than laugh at the legal scholar Alan Dershowitz complaining that he is being snubbed or ostracized by Martha's Vineyard circle of " friends " I felt somewhat sorry for him. He KNOWS that there is no legal substance to this endless Kafkaesque " Russian Investigation " . That makes him despicable to fellow " liberal " Democrats turned neo-con war mongers.
I recall the excellent advice to American youth given by Isaac Deutscher
in his book " Marxism In Our Time " . He noted that middle class 60s youth had been radicalized on the left but he recalled when the middle class youth of Europe were turning to fascism. You MUST make contact with your working class, he warned.

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