Fear of dark reaction on the Supreme Court should not drive working class people into the arms of the star " progressive " of the Democrat Party , a lackey for " Wall St. Hillary " in the 2016 presidential election, Senator Elizabeth Warren. On the radio this morning she claimed that she was in the fight of her life . The LAW must not be rigged in favor of the rich, said a Rhode Democrat, Senator Jack Reed.
This neo-con , war mongering Democratic Party wants to reclaim its once solid IMAGE as the party of organized labor , of the poor and oppressed.
Just what HAVE-NOT America needs : the party of HATE RUSSIA and the New McCarthyism - which is concerned with nobody's free speech rights but their own.
I am sure that " identity politics " bigotry will play a big role in the fight over elevating the " Catholic " conservative Brett Kavanaugh .
[57 mins ago - We've seen anti-Catholic bigotry hurled at Supreme Court justices ... the Catholic son of Irish immigrants, nominated to the bench in 1922 by ...]
The American ruling class was always quick to make a pariah out of any " Catholic community " that took the Gospel of Christ half-seriously or actually LISTENED to the pope when he excoriated the values of Wall St.
But on its highest levels the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in America is closer to the martial, " patriotic " spirit of Cardinal Spellman than to the humble, loving soul of St. Francis ( admired even by Bertrand Russell, author of the scathing " Why I Am Not A Christian ") .
I recall many short stories by the socialist writer James T. Farrell with hilarious Irish-Catholic life themes.
Working class socialists must understand and work with these perplexing contradictions - and not alienate millions of the world's religious people -including Orthodox Jews and people of the Islamic faith.

This neo-con , war mongering Democratic Party wants to reclaim its once solid IMAGE as the party of organized labor , of the poor and oppressed.
Just what HAVE-NOT America needs : the party of HATE RUSSIA and the New McCarthyism - which is concerned with nobody's free speech rights but their own.
I am sure that " identity politics " bigotry will play a big role in the fight over elevating the " Catholic " conservative Brett Kavanaugh .
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh will face anti-Catholic bigotry
The American ruling class was always quick to make a pariah out of any " Catholic community " that took the Gospel of Christ half-seriously or actually LISTENED to the pope when he excoriated the values of Wall St.
But on its highest levels the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in America is closer to the martial, " patriotic " spirit of Cardinal Spellman than to the humble, loving soul of St. Francis ( admired even by Bertrand Russell, author of the scathing " Why I Am Not A Christian ") .
I recall many short stories by the socialist writer James T. Farrell with hilarious Irish-Catholic life themes.
Working class socialists must understand and work with these perplexing contradictions - and not alienate millions of the world's religious people -including Orthodox Jews and people of the Islamic faith.

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