Tuesday, February 6, 2018

We socialists connect anti-Semitism with decaying capitalism

It is hard to avoid cynicism when " liberal " Democrats speak out on the Holocaust. If they could only do it without blessing Zionist Apartheid Israel. I read that Israel is about to expel thousands of Africans - a threat to the " culture " there. 

The United Nations once condemned Zionism as a form of racism. Is this so controversial on the Left ? Israel's nuclear arsenal is genocide waiting to happen .

I like what American historian Howard Zinn had to say about Zionism. I read his book titled " Passionate Convictions ".
The mainstream news media in the United States invariably associates Anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism.

Catholics - too often smeared as anti-Semitics- just reject STATE WORSHIP. And socialists will not see anything " progressive " about toxic nationalism anywhere on earth.

Do " liberals " think anti-Semitism is some inexplicable social virus unconnected with decaying capitalism ?

How do you deal with the sin of " collective guilt " ?

SWP goes soft on Zionism

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