Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
When I was a very young man I read Erich Fromm's " The Sane Society ". Dr. Fromm at the time, in the prosperous 1950s , raised a very challenging question : " Cannot a society itself be sick ? " .
" Alienation " is still a very relevant word. No wonder so many individuals in all social classes crack up, having to cope with a social order that daily denies that WE were programmed long ago by nature to be SOCIAL beings - not isolated , atomized lost souls in a war of each against all.
Gun control is a no solution if it ignores the fundamental insanity of capitalist society - while demanding that a fascist state have all the weapons.
Oddly enough, at least President Donald Trump recognized one more disturbed , mentally ill youth who fell through the cracks of the nation's mental health system. Are they even meant to be rescued ? They deinstitutionalized the mentally ill more than 50 years ago . And still lost souls have nowhere to go . Whole books have been written about this crime against humanity by uncorrupted psychiatrists who did not worship the capitalist status quo.
Will a reactionary judge decide that the disturbed youth " knew right from wrong " and therefore deserves the death penalty ?
Of course , our plutocracy also knows right from wrong - as they plan nuclear World War III . THEY have a mission ( Trump says they do ) to straighten out this evil world - with the helping sacrifice of thousands of working class youth who never got a break in life .
Let them pray to Azathoth , H.P. Lovecraft's " blind idiot god of Chaos ".
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