Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
What can be more worthy of the old McCarthyism than the DNC based New McCarthyism ? What can be more in the tradition of red-hunter Joe McCarthy and J.Edgar Hoover's fascist FBI than blaming Bad Vlad Putin and Russia for the chaos and evil consequences of the irrational capitalist system in America ? Last time I checked Russia was a post-communist CAPITALIST country.
Democratic socialists think both Russia and China should REFORM what was a Stalinized ,deformed working class state. We think socialism will work in the USA .
NOTE : Vladimir Putin is at least as worthy of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize as Barack Obama was in 2008. Why should working class people be upset over " Russia collusion " - real or imaginary ?
The CIA never meddles in foreign elections ?
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