Sunday, February 18, 2018

Do not not ban Neo-Nazi parties in Poland - stick to the Western Tradition of free speech and free thought

Poland tries to frame PM's Holocaust remarks as frank debate

Neo-Nazi groups should not be banned in Poland anymore than neo-communist or Zionist groups. Suppressing GROUP THINK is a lot like putting a tight lid on boiling water . Super heated steam soon overcomes all resistance. The same applies to language censorship.
The Western Civilization tradition of freedom of speech and freedom of thought should not make any opinions or scholarly investigations ( the Holocaust numbers , for example ) taboo . Stupid and false opinions should be countered by intelligent and more truthful ones. NO banning books - not even Hitler's " Mein Kampf ". Even truth can be found in strange places.

Nowhere in any so called " democracy " should a minority be able to dictate what the majority can read, what questions they can ask, what constitutes " hate " speech. The ILLIBERAL LIBERALS are assaulting free speech in this country. And how EQUAL are the Palestinians in Apartheid Israel ?

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