Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
The New McCarthyism BEGAN with the Hillary Clinton DNC's sabotage of the " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders' " political revolution ". Before the convention the Hillary clique accused the Sanders' partisans of having " a propensity for violence ". Just WHO sabotaged our political process ?
Then the mainstream news media - controlled by pro-Hillary Zionists - proceeded to smear Republican candidate Donald Trump as KKK type racist, a homophobe, even an anti-Semite. To be sure, Trump is RIGHT WING REPUBLICAN . But another Hitler ?
Meanwhile sex predator Harvey Weinstein tells a pro-Israel audience that WE must imitate the Mafia to counter anti-Semitism.
Whatever happened to SOCIALIST HUMANIST Jews ? Have they disappeared from the political world ? Not even Alan Dershowitz has a good word for them. He does have a good word for TORTURING " terrorists " . Mafia style ?
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