A world economic crisis will make a joke of all nation state boundaries. Even within the U.S. state boundaries are so artificial , so unnatural. The creatures of nature ,the birds, the bees, the butterflies , the foxes -the beautiful wild flowers- make themselves WELCOME TO RHODE ISLAND with only, dumb, unconscious understanding of the highway sign. Alas, even an army of cockroaches asserts its scouting rights.
Long ago the human race - upwardly mobile from its beginning in East Africa made all of the planet its home. The only WE that has any species reality is homo sapiens. Nature discovered DIVERSITY many millions of years ago.
The Mexican immigrants to the United States have a lot in common with the past generations of Italian immigrants, I was reading a review of " Christ in Concrete " about the horrors of everyday construction work for unorganized Italian immigrants. In nearby Federal Hill , Providence there were mass protests against the execution of the Italian immigrant anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti in the early 1920s
Socialist author Upton Sinclair wrote about the struggle for survival of a Lithuanian immigrant family in Chicago at the turn of the century. A famous book titled " The Jungle ".
Great art teaches empathy for ALL the oppressed.
PLOT idea for " Pietro Di Donato's " Christ in Concrete "
[ Geremio and his coworkers are gruesomely killed on the job when the building they are working on collapses. Geremio is swallowed in concrete, which crushes him to death as it dries. Because this accident occurs on Good Friday, Geremio is the "Christ in concrete" of the title.]

Long ago the human race - upwardly mobile from its beginning in East Africa made all of the planet its home. The only WE that has any species reality is homo sapiens. Nature discovered DIVERSITY many millions of years ago.
The Mexican immigrants to the United States have a lot in common with the past generations of Italian immigrants, I was reading a review of " Christ in Concrete " about the horrors of everyday construction work for unorganized Italian immigrants. In nearby Federal Hill , Providence there were mass protests against the execution of the Italian immigrant anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti in the early 1920s
Socialist author Upton Sinclair wrote about the struggle for survival of a Lithuanian immigrant family in Chicago at the turn of the century. A famous book titled " The Jungle ".
Great art teaches empathy for ALL the oppressed.
PLOT idea for " Pietro Di Donato's " Christ in Concrete "
[ Geremio and his coworkers are gruesomely killed on the job when the building they are working on collapses. Geremio is swallowed in concrete, which crushes him to death as it dries. Because this accident occurs on Good Friday, Geremio is the "Christ in concrete" of the title.]

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