Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
[In Roman J. Israel, Esq., Gilroy pins a gold star on those who didn’t make their peace with the system as the protest movement ebbed. Roman, the filmmaker says, is still interested in basic rights for everyone,.. ] That makes me want to see the film. Another film review here made me want to see " Manchester by the Sea ". Good reviews are important. I can't afford to waste money on vacuous Hollywood duds. Just last night I was reading about fantasy writer Ray Bradbury 's private war against McCarthyism . A conventional Democrat , oddly passionate about the two party system , Ray Bradbury was still eloquent in his fight against tyranny over art. He observed that the 50s witch hunt Red Scare put a big chill on films with a social justice message. He blamed the Democratic candidate , Adlai Stevenson , for not boldly speaking out against the demagogue Joseph McCarthy . Ray Bradbury was not too worried about McCarthyism ruining his writing career because " I am not a Communist ". He did fear " the ignorant mob " even more than the power elite. As I said he was still " conventional " Imagine if the You Tube or GOOGLE censors were assigned public libraries so dear to the heart of Ray Bradbury ?
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