Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
There are credible " rumors of war " - imminent and on a world war scale. But how in the past did the ruling class controlled news media stir up war fever ? They had to vilify on a comic book level THE ENEMY . They have done this with " international terrorists " - the product of their own bloody New Colonialism wars and STATE terrorism. In the past there were the " Huns ", the " Gooks ", the " Yellow Belly Japs ". Just check out old newspaper war stories. But their HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism has been curiously ineffective in making common people imagine they have a fierce and formidable ENEMY in far away China, Russia, Korea, Iran. It is the American ruling class who are waging war on working people at home. Putin won't cancel your Medicare ! Putin won't charge you for toxic water in Flint, Michigan, Putin won't fire you from your job and leave your family homeless. Putin won't shut off your electricity .Putin is not shooting down unarmed black people. Who will free you from RULING CLASS terrorism in your daily life ?
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