The FBI has not changed its serpentine nature- forever opposed to any social changes that would make life less miserable and oppressive for the working class. Always the tool of the plutocracy ! Yet presently ” liberal ” Democrats are slobbering over this shadow government and promoting the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism. Not for nothing they have expelled Christianity from the party - too soft on wicked " socialism ".
[Ayn Rand was a militant atheist, a Russian born Jew, and a vicious Zionist. She reported the popular Hollywood Christmas movie, the nostalgic "It's a Wonderful Life" to the FBI. Crackpot-money worshiping Ayn thought the movie promoted COMMUNISM. ]

[Ayn Rand was a militant atheist, a Russian born Jew, and a vicious Zionist. She reported the popular Hollywood Christmas movie, the nostalgic "It's a Wonderful Life" to the FBI. Crackpot-money worshiping Ayn thought the movie promoted COMMUNISM. ]

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