Thursday, December 21, 2017

No working class support in the USA for more war

Affordable Housing Credit Remains, But Could Be Less Effective  

" The Democrats, for their part, have done nothing to seriously oppose this naked piece of class legislation. They themselves advocate a deep tax cut for corporations and spent most of their efforts pleading with the Republicans to be included in talks on the plan.
The entire process has been a travesty of democratic procedures, exposing the fraud of American democracy and underscoring the basic fact that the United States is ruled by an oligarchy that controls the political system and both major parties. It wanted the money and was prepared to do whatever was necessary to get it."
The above from the World Socialist Web Site this morning. Clearly CLASS WAR is on the agenda in the USA. There will be no working class support for war with Russia, or China, or North Korea, or Iran. No working class support for the New Colonialism in the Middle East - whatever the " threat " to Zionist Apartheid Israel - not dear to the hearts of working class Christians.

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