Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
On the working class Left Judge Roy Moore has no more appeal than the hypocritical Clintons. But the Jones Senate victory in Alabama was not won on traditional New Deal themes - economic opportunity, social justice - nor on old New Left themes- an end to endless war and the destruction of the global environment, the tyranny of wealthy minority, the decay of any real " democracy " in America and consequently the growing police state.
Victories won by pseudo-liberal Corporate Democrats with sexual McCarthyism will backfire on them. Roy Moore was a victim of an over-the-top- smear campaign disproportionate to any sexual weirdness decades ago.
The New Puritans will determine our future leaders ? No doubt they find many military war hawks paragons of bellicose VIRTUE .
Now back to the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism of the virtuous Democrats.
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