Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Either candidate here could win in a very low turn out. The latest poll ( Fox News ) has Roy Moore behind by 10 points ( ? ) . What moral and intellectual bankruptcy in the Democratic Party . Most decent Americans have not the slightest impulse to make life miserable for these various identity groups. DNA does not lie about the essential UNITY of the human race.
But again and again some shallow, ambitious Democratic Party candidate wants to get elected because he or she is on some imaginary higher moral plane than the " conservative " Republican . But where do they stand in the CLASS WAR ? Not on our side.
All these oh-so-nice Democrats COLLUDING in a one sided class war on working people. Colluding in the New Colonialism in the Middle East . Colluding in nuclear World War III with Russia and China.
But wicked Donald Trump " colluded " with the even more wicked Vladimir Putin in depriving " OUR democracy " of its rightful leader, Hillary Clinton ? A little class consciousness can save you from a lot of political foolishness. Don't vote for phony Democrats or phony Republicans. Only WE can save ourselves from MADE-IN-AMERICA fascism
************ NEWS REPORT
[ Alabama’s Democratic Senate candidate Doug Jones is beating Republican Roy Moore by 10 percentage points, according to a Fox News poll released Monday, one day before voters head to the polls.
The poll found just 40 percent of voters support Moore, the fiery social conservative who multiple women accuse of sexual misconduct, while 50 percent support Jones.
Several other polls show Moore beating Jones, a former U.S. attorney that Democrats hope can win an upset victory in the special election Tuesday.]
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