Thursday, December 21, 2017

Ayn Rand as Scrooge - reported Christmas movie " It's A Wonderful Life to the FBI "

'It's a Wonderful Life' is a holiday classic. The FBI thought it was communist propaganda.

                  By the way, it was the crackpot Ayn Rand ( " The Virtue of Selfishness " ) who reported this film " It's A Wonderful Life " to the FBI as sinister communist propaganda. I mentioned this in my blog ( ). 

      Ayn Rand was a militant atheist and an ardent Zionist.

[Ayn Rand was a militant atheist, a Russian born Jew, and a vicious Zionist. She reported the popular Hollywood Christmas movie, the nostalgic "It's a Wonderful Life" to the FBI. Crackpot-money worshiping Ayn thought the movie promoted COMMUNISM. ] Radical Ron's blog« less                

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