Wednesday, December 20, 2017

I can see nothing but the face of Ayn Rand in the Democratic Party neo cons


Actor Matt Damon comes under attack for his criticisms of the sexual misconduct campaign

When did bourgeois feminism begin to take such a nasty right wing turn? For a whole generation, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, so many public" intellectuals " have abandoned any effort at a scientific understanding of human society- or even a coherent humanist or religious understanding.

 I can see nothing but the face of Ayn Rand even in the Democratic Party neo-cons. Have the New Atheists ( most of them pro-capitalist ) evolved into the New Puritans ? What was BIG BROTHER's religion in Orwell's "1984" . Just power worship !

      Even the ABCs of Marxism are forgotten by the pseudo-Left - contemptuous of the working class , eager to compromise with imaginary bourgeois " friends in high places ".

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