Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, December 2, 2017
No politically literate working class American citizen will describe General Michael Flynn ( from my Rhode Island ) as a " traitor " to the ruling class. He does seem to be a prize victim of the New McCarthyism.
Was there any " collusion " with the Israel Lobby here to get Hillary Clinton - whom Vladimir Putin rightly perceived as the face of World War III - elected president of the United States ? No Hillary Clinton -DNC sabotage of the " political process " here " .
They smeared Bernie Sanders followers as having " a propensity for violence ". How sickening then for Sanders to endorse Hillary Clinton - to save us from the fascist Trump. The CIA never meddles in the elections of " sovereign " nations ?
Has the mainstream news media in the USA convinced millions of working class Americans that post-communist Russia is THE ENEMY ? Is Putin attacking our standard of living, poisoning the water in Flint , Michigan ? Is Putin cutting off the SNAP money to hungry families in Rhode Island ? Shutting down hospitals here ?
But those polls report : YOUNG PEOPLE LIKE THE IDEA OF SOCIALISM . I wonder why ?
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