Thursday, May 5, 2016

Capitalism is the true religion of the American plutocracy

  " Clinton and her campaign have adopted a posture of benign indifference to Sanders, largely ignoring him and declining to engage his attacks."

      That also seems to be the attitude of the neo-liberal news media toward " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders. Did " popular democracy " swell up in working class America to demand that the Queen of the Status Quo, Hillary Clinton, be nominated as the next president of the United States ?

          It is precisely contempt for public opinion which keeps the establishment of the Democratic Party stubbornly determined to crown Queen Hillary. Why have an " open primary " circus at all  in any state ?  Bernie Sanders  won the Democratic primary in Rhode Island by a landslide.

    Nevertheless, our own " Queena Gina "  Raimondo insists that she remains loyal to her idol Hillary Clinton. With 40 percent of the vote Gina Raimondo was elected the Rhode Island governor. Talk about the " arrogance of power " !

        Ralph Nader pointed out long ago that  Corporate America controls the Democratic Party too.  The ruling class has implacable hostility to " democratic socialism " or any economic philosophy or moral philosophy that questions the capitalist profit system- the basis for its wealth- together with the New Colonialism.

             Capitalism is the true religion of the American plutocracy. They have been studying-with devotion- Ayn Rand for years now.

Would Bernie Sanders & Jill Stein Team Up For A Third-Party Run? It'd Be A Dream Come True For Many

If you didn't know that someone named Jill Stein is running for president, it's because she's the Green Party's nominee.

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