Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Too obvious : " liberal " media bias favoring Hillary Clinton

Any bright child can see the " liberal " news media bias in favor of Hillary Clinton. EVERY Sanders victory and near victory is belittled. Then his supporters-most of them paragons of civility- are smeared as " having a penchant for violence ".
What is the core truth behind the" treatment " of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders ? Karl Marx said long ago that " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". But their ideas do not go unchallenged by the natural vanguard of the working class. The idea of " socialism " is anathema to the American ruling class. So even mild mannered moderate " democratic " socialists like Sanders are considered dangerous to class rule.
What is becoming crystal clear is that the political establishment of the Democratic Party fears even the illusion of popular democracy. It is self-evident that no capitalist ruling class on earth really believes in the principle of majority rule. How can any self-appointed political elite represent the masses ?
And I have heard right wing radio talk show hosts hope that " ignorant " working class Americans stay away from the polls on Election Day. If the American working class - which includes this " angry white working class " - cannot find a voice in the Democratic Party, it will inevitably finds its " political revolution " voice in the streets. To be sure, that " chaos " in the recent Nevada Democratic Convention reminded older voters of Chicago 1968.
" The whole world is watching ".

With party divided, Clinton doesn't rule out Sanders as VP pick

CNN - ‎13 hours ago‎
Washington (CNN) Hillary Clinton didn't rule out Wednesday picking her Democratic presidential primary challenger, Bernie Sanders, from serving as her vice president. "I won't get into that," she told CNN's Chris Cuomo in an exclusive interview, when ...

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