Saturday, May 14, 2016

The " angry white working class " must not be orphaned in this presidential election

Vice-president choices for Hillary, Trump

 There is a also a progressive left less than worshipful for " save the middle class " Senator Elizabeth Warren. I suspect Hillary Clinton " owes her something " for not endorsing Bernie Sanders.

  The friends of Hillary in the news media have nervously buried- ALIVE- a very vigorous corpse: the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign focused on unacceptable economic inequality and inspiring peaceful " political revolution ".

 Solicitude for " saving the middle class " is not quite the message to send all those angry white working class voters. And working class -and unionized black voters - know that Wall St. Hillary is no more a " friend of labor " than any Ayn Rand loving Republican.

  I recall a rumor that Jill Stein of the Green Party thinks teaming up with " socialist " Bernie Sanders is in harmony with the Zeitgeist of Election 2016. The " angry white working class " is not angry at anybody or anything but capitalist injustice. They must not be orphaned in this election.

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