Monday, May 23, 2016

The Donald will replace the ONE PERCENT with THE ONE

   If you have a spark of old fashioned " class consciousness " in you , Wall St. Hillary represents not even an acceptable lesser evil. In contrast to questionable but congenial " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders , Hillary Clinton represents nothing but perfected political rot.

   Hawkish Hillary is the Queen of the capitalist Status Quo in America. She is also pro-death penalty, pro-Neo-Colonialism , and never has a kind word for the oppressed Palestinians. She seems equally estranged from those nasty and " ignorant " working class white people.

  As a critical supporter of the relatively " progressive " Bernie Sanders I could never vote for Harpy Hillary. Sanders could team up with Jill Stein, the presidential candidate of the Green Party.

   Also, I commend right wing demagogue Donald Trump for his " progressive " role in destroying the party of the ruling class Bush Family. If billionaire Trump is elected president, he will replace the ONE PERCENT with THE ONE, the one and only, The Donald. Still " Progress " in a black humorous way.

  Bernie Sanders digs in

   Washington (CNN) The stakes of Bernie Sanders' take-it-to-the-convention strategy are rapidly rising as fresh polls underscore Hillary Clinton's vulnerabilities and predict a tight race between her and Donald Trump in the fall.

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