Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
I just voted for Bernie Sanders in the Rhode Island Democratic
Primary. A flawed Brown University poll predicted an easy win for
Hillary Clinton. The Providence Journal foolishly made a bold headline
of the projected winners -even before the voting began.
Well Bernie
Sanders won the Rhode Island Democratic Primary by a landslide.
Foreign followers of the U.S. presidential campaign must
understand that there is a crisis of the two party system in this
country. The common people have tuned in to Bernie’s ” political
revolution “, his ” democratic socialism “. But BOTH the Democratic and
the Republican parties are incurably pro-capitalist at heart.
The ordinary – ” angry working class ” Americans – have made this
the year of the Anti-Establishment Voter. The ruling class is desperate
to sell the voters a ” persona ” that can sell them the insane status
quo- which includes more economic misery and Greek- like austerity for
the masses at home and the New Colonialism abroad.
That ” persona ” seems to be Hillary Clinton, hawkish Hillary,
pro-capitalist Wall St. Hillary, pro-death penalty Hillary.
It’s a woman’s turn, you see : to start World War III ?
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Well Bernie Sanders won the Rhode Island Democratic Primary by a landslide.
Foreign followers of the U.S. presidential campaign must understand that there is a crisis of the two party system in this country. The common people have tuned in to Bernie’s ” political revolution “, his ” democratic socialism “. But BOTH the Democratic and the Republican parties are incurably pro-capitalist at heart.
The ordinary – ” angry working class ” Americans – have made this the year of the Anti-Establishment Voter. The ruling class is desperate to sell the voters a ” persona ” that can sell them the insane status quo- which includes more economic misery and Greek- like austerity for the masses at home and the New Colonialism abroad.
That ” persona ” seems to be Hillary Clinton, hawkish Hillary, pro-capitalist Wall St. Hillary, pro-death penalty Hillary.
It’s a woman’s turn, you see : to start World War III ?