I like the location of the Bernie Sanders campaign headquarters in Rhode Island - in the heart of South Providence. The poor and working class here have enough " survival instinct " to know that Bernie's class orientation , his focus on unacceptable economic inequality, promises more for them than Hillary's fatuous " identity politics ".
And just what will Hillary Clinton's Wall St. ties do for working class women of all races and ethnic backgrounds ? What does bourgeois feminism - glass ceilings in Corporate America ? - mean for low wage nursing assistants or low wage employees of McDonald's or Burger King or Dunkin Donuts- or low wage hotel employees ?
More important than even a $15 minimum wage is the union organizing of all these workers. The militant unions of years ago believed in organizing the unorganized workers - which would now include all those " illegal aliens ". They made good communists and socialists-or anarchists- during the Great Depression. And they would make good working class liberation fighters today.
What makes sense for Bernie Sanders supporters is " political revolution " - not Hillary's status quo.