Monday, April 18, 2016

Hillary's vapid phrase making no answer to Sanders' " political revolution "

Bernie gaining ground on Hillary in New York

   In trying to stop the Bernie Sanders' " political revolution " neo-Democrat Hillary Clinton is resorting to the most empty headed phrase making:

“I take a backseat to no one in making sure that nothing ever happens that hurts our people and our economy again,” she said.

   HER people are inseparable from THEIR capitalist economy. Bernie clearly does not favor the ONE PERCENT plutocracy. No " democratic socialist " would worry much about the comfortable American middle class that, no doubt, mostly favors Wall St. Hillary anyway.

   Sanders focuses -how refreshing ! - on unacceptable economic inequality. This is morally and intellectually superior to Hillary's effete " identity politics ".

    In general class trumps race in getting to the root of most social injustice.

Bernie - not Hillary- drawing the big enthusiastic crowds

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