Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Red Eyed Reactionary Radio

I am up a little too early in the morning ( 4:30 AM ). I turn on my cheap clock radio to the very same radio station that brings me right-wing TALK RADIO later ( John DePetro, 630wpro ). It is just that ONLY this station comes in clearly on my cheap clock radio . And DePetro- and his celebrity boss, Gene Valicenti- are at least as alive and entertaining as they are annoyingly pro-capitalist. And it hardly matters if they privately vote Democrat or Republican. Corporate America owns their talent- perhaps even their soul.
        But this early morning TALK RADIO is even more rabidly reactionary than during the day. The program calls itself RED EYED RADIO . One can picture half-drunk ( hopefully parked ) truck drivers drooling agreement at every sound bite mocking Big Government and applauding heroic but misunderstood Corporate America-which we are to believe wants only to bring the GOOD LIFE to all those working stiffs tuning in.
    " They are victimizing Corporate  America ! ", I said to myself. For semi-literate and very petty-bourgeois dimwits RED EYED radio may have a certain simple minded cogency: " If we can only get BIG GOVERNMENT off our backs, the doors of earthly paradise will be opened to us.
    It is scary what these sinister jackasses want to PRIVATIZE- everything from social security to public education. Even war ! How many privately owned soldiers of fortune were operating in Afghanistan and Iraq ? Brainlessly defending the American Way of Life ( Corporate America ) in very ungrateful lands.
        This fanatical belief in the benevolence of capitalism is every bit as pernicious as Islamic fundamentalism. The more evidence against the belief the more hot headed  become the defenders of the faith.
      It is easy to see how these TALK RADIO fans constitute the Armies of the Night in America. How they can even imagine " liberal " Democrats like President Obama or Hillary Clinton or even our Governor Lincoln Chafee are some sort of traitorous Marxists.
        Even their delirious love affair with the guns and the NRA is connected with their deranged worship of PRIVATE PROPERTY and the exploiting way of life. And they must be enemies of genuine democracy. The vast majority-if they only voted THEIR class interest- would never vote for right-wing politicians puffed up by ignorant and vicious TALK RADIO demagogues.

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