But the Pope himself must realize that his Church made peace with modern science a long time ago- but still not so far back that old Galileo need not fear the Inquisition and a horrible Poe-etic " Pit and the Pendulum torture death- in case the Almighty (now seen as "not a magician") was lacking in lurid torture schemes for the damned dead.
Jesus did finally bring some loving compassion into the world. And we can at least thank Father in Heaven for that.
I myself believe in divine metaphysics where-ever physics leaves me with too much quantum uncertainty. Or with all due respect for my materialist teacher and brain trust confidante, H.P. Lovecraft , I do often feel that the Mystical Body of Christ is the only cure for COSMIC HORROR.
And before the Big Bang? We have God who is No-Thing- just as Aquinas said- restless in His own No-thing-ness. So he had a Platonic Epiphany and said: "Let there be light".
Read Isaac Asimov's story "The Last Question". Perhaps God will be there in THE END as He was IN THE BEGINNING.
In the meantime, there is BEAUTY IN UNCERTAINTY. So it is not wise to fuss too much over all those Holy Books. Secular or religious, they all lead us to the unholy ground of Auschwitz. I can hear the voice of the kindly Jewish scholar kneeling in its ashes in the TV documentary "The Ascent of Man"– Certainty did this!" he passionately declares. AMEN.
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