Friday, October 24, 2014

Susan Berge right about corrupt two party system

RI Independent Candidates – Healey and Cianci
Letter writer Susan Berge (October 23, on line) is right about our decayed two party system. Only in Rhode Island this national phenomenon has degenerated into a decayed ONE PARTY system.

Only a partisan jackass will applaud the prospect of yet another Democratic sweep on election day. Happy Days Are Here Again! For Susan Berge, Independent Healey represents therapeutic fresh air in the race for governor. For me "Buddy" - yes, THE TWICE CONVICTED FELON- at least represents a popular politician not owned by the Democratic machine.

Even if Elorza  does have more personal integrity, the state wide triumph of the machine- which serves "special interests" just as effectively as traditional Republican-ism- only promises more political misery for the common people of Rhode Island- which, of course, includes the struggling small business class. Legal "corruption" is no less pernicious than Cianci's rogue "independence."

What particularly annoys me- a registered Democrat with a socialist ideal- is that not one of the Rhode Island neo-Democrats gives us a hint of the old Roosevelt era suspicion and disdain for BIG MONEY. They all fawn over these JOB CREATORS as if some genius for business is also the right stuff  and the cure for BIG GOVERNMENT incompetence.

To be sure, the three candidates for governor, Raimondo, Fung, Healey  have NO quarrel with the capitalist way of life. They accuse one another of being controlled by some sinister, shadowy "special interest."

The winner must be above all that. To be sure, the winners in this election will be very much above the general public as a particularly  annoying "special interest." So let us all sing "Happy Days Are Here Again."

Soon we might have a really bleak Depression to sing our way out of. I hope there is a budding FDR in the Democratic Party- which might not be hopelessly bonded to crony capitalism. It  would be better than the modern equivalent of the French Revolution-when chopping off heads became a national pastime long before Isis Islam.

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