Friday, October 17, 2014

John Grisham was nearly right about some "sex crimes"

Conformist social pressures can make even a best-selling author reduced to groveling apologies: "John Grisham apologizes for sex crimes comments."

I found myself in agreement on the harsh sentence of too many "sex crime" offenders. When this involves minors directly or indirectly the capitalist news media orchestrates the equivalent of the Orwellian "TWO MINUTES HATE" for the offender. So solicitous (?) is this society for its innocent kids that public executions are not out of order here. Why not just burn them all at the stake?

Grisham said he had a lawyer friend- perhaps stupefied by alcohol- who was perversely aroused to check out the website of "16-year old wannabe hookers or something like that." But it was really a sting operation to catch perverts. His friend went to prison for three years.

Soon a quick apology from Grisham: "My comments were in no way intended to show sympathy for those convicted of sex crimes."

Why does our majestic LAW and all our JUST JUDGES always think and rule as if Sigmund Freud never existed? Or as if the Kinsey Report had never been published?

As a SCIENCE modern psychiatry cannot be simply morally outraged by despicable child molesters and endless varieties of sex crimes. Perhaps Wilhelm Reich -popular during the now almost forgotten Sexual Revolution of the 60s and 70s -was right about sexual disorders being rooted in a still sexually repressive society?

By the way, capitalist advertising corrupts the innocent minds of children daily with predatory advertising. The late Vance Packard called this "The Hidden Persuaders."

You cannot escape the sexual sell today no matter how puritanical your own life style. In the midst of this plethora of sex images is our ruling class secretly organizing an Orwellian "Anti-Sex League"? Beware all you filthy minded middle aged men who still dream of a sexual encounter with Julia in the Golden Country. The SPIES will get you!


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