Monday, October 20, 2014

Letter writer Lyn Soares: "Bar utility shut-offs"

Aware that the Center for Disease Control is telling people to practice good personal hygiene, Lynn Soares asks in an October 20 letter-to-the editor: "So why is there not a a moratorium on shutting off the utilities?"

A simple enough question to ask in the midst of this Ebola scare. It would certainly help a poor family not to have to worry about losing hot water, electricity, gas, oil. It would also help not to have to worry about being evicted. Try staying healthy living in your car or in a crowded shelter with one toilet and one shower for a hundred people!

But Lynn Soares' kind hearted but naive question has a simple answer: in our capitalist for-profit economic system, the government is controlled by private wealth. No Democrat or Republican survives in office very long if he or she proves disloyal to ruling class interests. I do agree with you Lyn but I will not bother to contact Governor Lincoln Chafee's office as you request. He may seem like a super liberal progressive in silly cultural wars (gay marriage, for example). But in matters of CLASS interest, he is on the OTHER SIDE. In fact, he belongs to the ONE PERCENT American plutocracy.

Not a single Democrat or Republican running for office in Rhode Island has any problem with capitalism. Not one of them will lose any sleep over your concerns. What is the main obstacle to getting homes for the homeless or ordering the utilities to respect human life? It is the arrogance of PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHT. Every "respectable" and "responsible" bourgeois lawyer, honorable judge, capitalist politician will see millions perish rather than undermine the property rights of the rich.

And in Rhode Island how hypocritical of this bunch to have a problem with Vincent "Buddy" Cianci's "integrity."

Only a popular uprising can empower the common people to seize control of the utilities and ALL means of production.

When millions of Americans take to the streets there will be hope for real social justice and relative equality in our struggle against cruel and indifferent Nature. Oddly enough, a middle class journalist concerned about the ruin of the middle class, found it fitting to quote the Russian Revolutionary Leon Trotsky: "Revolution is impossible until it becomes inevitable." Until then there will be no "moratorium" on working class misery and oppression.

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