Thursday, November 7, 2019

Why Homeless USA won't go away

22 hours ago - Of the seven candidates backed by corporate business interests and the recipients of a $1.5 million donation from Amazon to Seattle Metro ...]

Anybody who identifies himself as even a moderate SOCIALIST is very mistaken if he or she thinks they have a home or even a warm welcome in the Democrat Party . The ruling capitalist class rules by MONEY POWER over both the major parties in the United States. Third parties -even principled conservative third parties - rarely stand a chance at electoral success.
The homeless crisis - nothing is ever done to solve the problem - is explained by the maniacal unwillingness of the wealthy class to budge on landlord property rights . They fear and loath even the implementation of rent control and avoid slum lord prosecution. In New York City better that a thousand people be chronically homeless than that one slum landlord get justly prosecuted.
In ANY populated American city where the homeless population reaches a critical mass there will be extreme pressure on the real estate gentry to compromise sacrosanct property rights.
A fundamental principle of even non-sectarian socialism is that even the LEGITIMATE wealth of the wealthy is morally questionable -if not quite morally illegitimate .
And Karl Marx was quite astute in demonstrating how the capitalist system was everywhere based on the exploitation and oppression of the working class.
No wonder BIG CAPITAL ( like ) is nervous and vicious about any stripe of socialists coming to power in Seattle or any other city in " OUR democracy USA " .

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