Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Trump Impeachment Hearings Have As Much Credibility As The Infamous Moscow Trials

I speak as a long time democratic socialist -very much ON THE LEFT . The three year Kafkaesque Mueller Russia investigation and now LIVE 'NEVER TRUMP' IMPEACHMENT hearings - a political lynch mob in search of a capital crime - should tell any " old fashioned " liberals that the Democrat Party is morally and intellectual bankrupt. They won't triumph in 2020 elections by proclaiming their own sterling civic virtues in contrast to those nasty Republicans and their even nastier Donald Trump.
Ironic that " NO ONE ABOVE THE LAW" hack Democrats fail to see that Trump IS the legitimate president of the United States - in accordance with the existing- never legally repudiated- Constitution of the United States. To encourage the shadow government of the United States , the CIA , the FBI , the Pentagon War Machine , to remove a LEGITIMATE president by ANY MEANS NECESSARY is to bring this country to the very brink of civil chaos if not violent civil war.
Amazing to see the " progressive " Democrats holding out a WELCOME sign to BIG BROTHER , to the Orwellian " 1984 " police state.
And yes , the FAKE NEWS media is self-destructing whatever credibility it has left : the credibility to sell us nuclear World War III or some near future endless stupid war in the Middle East .
Has the daily HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism ( now led by " Hawk Hillary " ) convinced ANY working class Americans that we have a formidable foe in Putin's Russia ( or wicked foes in China, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela ) ?
JUST SAY NO TO NUCLEAR WORLD WAR III ... DON'T VOTE on ELECTION DAY 2020 . The Donald Trump impeachment hearings have as much credibility as the infamous Moscow Trials of the Stalin Era Soviet Union .

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