Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The END OF SCIENCE hardly reinforces sectarian Moloch Marxism .
To be sure , some form of MASS MOVEMENT must challenge " ruling elites " if the human race is to survive and finally prevail . But the leadership will not come from assorted sectarian Marxist parties with no roots in the working class and a haughty contemptuous attitude toward millions of the world 's religious people- the very MASSES that they would inspire and lead. To be sure ,the New Stalinism on the Left - with its Anti-Fa contempt for the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization - is NOT preferable to New Trump-ism . And sad to say but SCIENCE is also a god that failed in the 20th century and 20 years into the 21st century. For example , the obnoxious Neil De Grasse Tyson , the now disgraced celebrity astrophysicist , has as much credibility with me as those 1990s charlatan Kevin Trudeau TV infomercials. Even when he talks about global warming .
Tyson could not preach Big Bang metaphysics without mocking Christ in Christmas. Something smells EVIL about these New Atheists . And they are ALL shills for US militarism, for military industrial complex, and pillars of Zionist Apartheid Israel ( now propped up ideologically by Ayn Rand's philosophy ) .
The END OF SCIENCE hardly reinforces sectarian Moloch Marxism .
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