Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Is Stalinism or North-ism preferable to Trump-ism ?
Would that the permanent GREAT LEADER of the Socialist Equality Party practice what he preaches. His SEP thugs routinely police the WSWS for any opinions or " news " that might embarrass David North ( as David Green the CEO of a very capitalist NON-UNION printing company ). Not a few shamelessly " REMOVED".
A number of ex-members have exposed the SEP as a weird personality cult very much like the Church of Scientology .
I note you comment frequently on the World Socialist Web Site . An Orwellian irony here . The Left practices CENSORSHIP and shows contempt for FREE SPEECH as much as the Right.
I am amused by the number of my comments REMOVED by " liberals " or sectarian Marxists . I comment here as I am BANNED as a " Catholic, anti-Semite, fascist " on the WSWS . And no " liberal " or " socialist " thug ever bothers to explain himself or herself. Once SMEARED the accused is never allowed to further explain his views . Is Stalinism or North-ism preferable to Trump-ism ?
Comments that are courteous, concise and relevant are always welcome, whether or not they agree with the views expressed here or not. Profanity is not necessary. Thank you for reading “Time Enough At Last!”