Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Can the American military save the homeless ?
The endless homeless crisis in the United States clearly demands an AUTHORITARIAN solution ( NOT fascist , NOT communist ) . The chronic homeless are a danger to themselves and a threat to public health. Consider the American military to the rescue here. Thousands of sickly homeless can be transported to quickly assembled military style barracks with clean beds , laundry rooms, nourishing cafeteria food , and open door social service offices. They can learn ABC survival skills and recover something vital called SELF-RESPECT .
ACLU is warped here in thinking that HOMELESSNESS should be a right . HAVING A DECENT HOME should be a human right .
HUMAN RIGHTS should not include the RIGHT to be homeless , the RIGHT to beg .
Here is where AUTHORITARIANISM is needed : you can't regiment the homeless without also putting the real estate gentry , the landlord class, on notice that their private property rights are not absolute . Rigid RENT CONTROL and prosecution of negligent slum lords is also necessary .
Neither LIBERALISM nor FREE ENTERPRISE can begin to solve the homeless problem in the United States or in any other capitalist country .
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