Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Sunday, November 24, 2019
" QUID PRO QUO " is what free market place capitalism is all about
Any real liberal or real democratic socialist will see clearly how the Democratic Party - including the super-progressive presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. - is COLLUDING with " Deep State ", CIA , FBI , Pentagon War Machine to undermine and overthrow ( not in very bourgeois democracy fashion) a LEGITIMATE president of the United States . They can never NAME the crime for which OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE applies . The case against Trump as some sort of traitor ego maniac is made with all the conceit and intellectual sophistry at the command of the effete and corrupt Harvard Law School faculty. Don't ally yourself with these DEEP STATE elitist scum. Watch Anti-Fa rally for Old Joe Biden - reeking with imperialist corruption in and out of office. What is LEGAL about vulture American imperialism ? QUID PRO QUO is what " free market " place capitalism is all about . Need traditional Marxists be reminded that the working class exchanges its labor power mostly for a modest or a bare existence -always desperate for " A Place in the Sun " ( An old movie based on Theodore Dreiser's " An American Tragedy " ) . The ONE PERCENT gains the whole world ! The ONE PERCENT owns the Democratic Party .
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The case against Trump as some sort of traitor ego maniac is made with all the conceit and intellectual sophistry at the command of the effete and corrupt Harvard Law School faculty.
Don't ally yourself with these DEEP STATE elitist scum. Watch Anti-Fa rally for Old Joe Biden - reeking with imperialist corruption in and out of office. What is LEGAL about vulture American imperialism ? QUID PRO QUO is what " free market " place capitalism is all about .
Need traditional Marxists be reminded that the working class exchanges its labor power mostly for a modest or a bare existence -always desperate for " A Place in the Sun " ( An old movie based on Theodore Dreiser's " An American Tragedy " ) .
The ONE PERCENT gains the whole world ! The ONE PERCENT owns the Democratic Party .