Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Day After President Donald Trump ? What then ? A Return to Normalcy ?
If he loses the election , Trump goes out as a legitimate LOSER . Very few conservative Republican American citizens think he should be KING of the United States - no matter what the charlatan Steven Hassan , author of " The Cult of Trump ", says . By the way Hassan comes from a Jewish background . Does he not see sick idolatry in the devotion to Zionist Apartheid Israel ?
Also COMMON SENSE here . ALL MEN ARE MORTAL . Statistics are not encouraging for active presidents over age 70 .
Having made Donald Trump the root of ALL EVIL in " OUR democracy " what will the NEVER TRUMP crowd do after he is gone ? Fight for democratic socialism ? I doubt it
..In a CIVIL WAR there will be millions of violent lunatics on both sides . I would not ally myself with the sinister shadow government of the United States . It would indeed plan a palace coup against Donald Trump. It is wiser to let bourgeois democracy decide his fate in the 2020 presidential election. Unless absolutely necessary CIVIL WAR- a matter of life or death for an oppressed MAJORITY- is a bloody nightmare that does not resurrect a nation in pristine democracy.
How can an alert reader fail to notice the Zionist Jew intrigue in the Kafkaesque Trump impeachment hearings ? The very names coming at you suggest an old Yiddish Theater soap opera .
" Can't Wait for Impeachment " is a very suspicious title for TRUTH -dig !
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