If the generic LEFT has a problem LIKING ( easy enough for ANY humanist religious or secular) the world's millions of Christians and Christianity , particularly Catholics and Catholicism , then it is easy to understand why sectarian Marxist ( even anti-Stalinist ) parties have floundered for more than a century. How can so many devout Christians be excluded from some future socialist EQUALITY workers paradise ?
Can we expect dreary BIG BROTHER lectures on the wonderful godless universe , ludicrous lectures in the spirit of the obnoxious New Atheism ? Imagine some neurotic Jew in the image of comedian Woody Allen as " Minister of Truth " ?
Can we expect a state sponsored intellectual tyranny declaring THE STATE " officially atheist " - the biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union ?
Time for dogmatic Marxists to recognize that even SCIENCE ( apart from " history " ) has become a god that failed. Puny homo sapiens will never be MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE nor master of the planet Earth .
Nor will a regimented ant society be tolerated for long by the " Soul of Man Under Socialism " ( Oscar Wilde ) .