Friday, November 15, 2019

TRUMP IMPEACHMENT - all about what is best for Apartheid Israel ?

Could the interests of " Greater Israel " be determining US foreign policy ? Does not any American president get to pick and choose his own Ambassador team ?
Could I - on the LEFT, a long time independent democratic socialist - be mistaken in seeing an internal war going on between pro-Hillary Zionists and pro-Trump Zionists - each with different and passionate convictions about what is best for Zionist Apartheid Israel ?
The Kafkaesque Mueller Russia Investigation and now " Trump Ukraine Scandal " sound like scripts from the old Yiddish theater .
How dear is present day Israel to working class Americans ?
Think about it : " a disproportionate number of Jewish actors in this drama." ' [(RNS) — Public hearings in the presidential impeachment inquiry began Wednesday (Nov. 13), as witnesses marched to a congressional office building to offer televised testimonies on whether President Donald Trump linked military aid for Ukraine with a promise to investigate one of his political opponents, former Vice President Joe Biden. As readers following the saga may have already gleaned, there’s a disproportionate number of Jewish actors in this drama. At least one — Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the former National Security Council director for European affairs — is scheduled to testify next week. (Vindman told congressional investigators last month that he heard Trump’s July phone call with the president of Ukraine and reported it to his superiors because he was concerned about a quid pro quo.) ] '

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