Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A funny supplement to Tolstoy's " Kreutzer Sonata "

All men should NOT Marry

[Young men shouldn't marry… because they have their talents, dreams, and future to utilize. Women will marry young men as a sort of "down payment", a future retirement plan.
Old men shouldn't marry… because of their assets and wealth to be taken, and older women resemble mummies. Young women marry old men for the money when he dies.
Poor men shouldn't marry… because they will forever remain a wage slave, working, working, working, until the day he dies or retires in his sixties. If she divorces, he is enslaved to child support payments and often kicked out of his own house.
Rich men shouldn't marry… because most of the women will be gold diggers. During the marriage, she will siphon off much assets and wealth her way. If a divorce comes, she will take off with a good chunk of the cash.
Men with dreams shouldn't marry… because the wife will stomp on those dreams and say that your purpose on Earth is to please her. You should either be pleasing her or making money for her to spend. Dreams are for children, dear.
Men without dreams shouldn't marry… because all the pleasures you take in life, be it fishing, hunting, gaming, motorcycling, or football, will be diminished greatly if not removed entirely. Your hobbies become 'guilt trips' while your wife's hobbies become 'quality time'.
Religious men shouldn't marry… because marriage has nothing at all to do with being religious. Jesus didn't marry. Monks don't marry. Churches are not men's friends. Every church allows tons of divorces including Catholic Churches 

                        Love to all ,  with Salieri's blessing for ALL mediocrities everywhere , the hopelessly and lovingly married, and the hopelessly and hatefully divorced ]

  A SUPPLEMENT to Tolstoy's " Kreutzer Sonata "      

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