Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Red paint on grave site of Karl Marx : " MEMORIAL TO BOLSHEVIK HOLOCAUST -1917-1953 ]
[ "The London tomb of German philosopher Karl Marx has been vandalised for the second time in two weeks.
The words “Doctrine of Hate” and “Architect of Genocide” were daubed in red on the grave of Highgate Cemetery’s most famous resident.
A marble plaque was also smashed up in the “senseless, stupid, ignorant” attack, said the charity which runs the cemetery "]
WHO would connect Karl Marx with genocide and the Holocaust ?
I have read right wing Zionists insisting that socialism is inherently anti-Semitic and that Marx's labor theory of value inspired the Nazi movement.
So much ruling class intrigue here DESIGNED to stir up racial and ethnic hatred.
[ the vandalism in red paint also reads : " Memorial to Bolshevik Holocaust -1917 -1953 ]
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