Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Catholic social philosophy objectively anti-capitalist
The real sad pattern in American political history is how many left-wing " socialist " parties evolved into bizarre personality cults - comparable to what you see presently in the " church " of Scientology ( a mass meeting of Scientologists will remind you of the Nazi Nuremberg rallies in the 1930s
Lyndon LaRouche , I recall , began his political career in the Trotskyist American Socialist Workers Party , broke with it over some abstruse sectarian controversy. Later the SWP in " The Militant " denounced LaRouche and his fanatical following as " fascists ".
And yet the SWP has also , many agree, degenerated into a Jack Barnes " personality cult " now openly pro-Zionist and even pro-imperialist. I can hear Leon Trotsky's bones rattling in the grave.
Today SOCIALISM is once again in the air and ON THE AIR in the USA. There are a few parties that claim to be THE VANGUARD of America's coming socialist revolution.
One damning flaw of the old Soviet Union was declaring itself an officially ATHEIST state. I doubt if any avowed " God Haters " will ever lead a SOCIALIST mass movement.
Left-wing and Right-wing isolated sects invariably find God in their GREAT LEADER.
Nowhere has militant atheism created anything but oppression and intellectual tyranny.
A viable SOCIALIST " vanguard party " will build bridges to ALL the world's great religions. In many ways the social philosophy of the Catholic Church is objectively anti-capitalist . Recall the career of the famous Catholic radical Dorothy Day.
The socialist transformation of society demands no violence whatever - unless the ruling class has a suicidal determination to cling to its privileges.
We might also have to contend with the Lyndon LaRouche legacy of " The New American Fascism ".
Catholic radical Dorothy Day
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